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V is For Veles: More Chaos More than ever.

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RogueNews is your source for news and information, original reporting and insightful opinions about the GeoPolitical events impacting our lives.


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  • Thank you Veles, for your guest appearance on the Quite Frankly show a couple of months ago. It's how I learned about you and Rogue News. I look forward to your Friday analysis and hope the Rogue News Rumble channel grows by leaps and bounds.

  • Veles, excellent information for great content, presented on Rogue News.

  • Re: Mohammed Al Zaibak. I copied the following from Teranet's website. I doubt he's "independent". Teranet is wholly-owned by OMERS, one of Canada’s largest defined benefit pension plans. Serving more than 550,000 members, OMERS has C$124 billion in net assets as of Dec 31, 2022. OMERS investment in Teranet is overseen by OMERS Infrastructure, the plan’s global infrastructure investment arm. Since 2008, OMERS has supported Teranet’s steady growth in various ways, helping advance both our strategy to grow our registry business in new jurisdictions, plus our ongoing additional commercial solution acquisitions that have expanded our value-add service offerings. A pioneer in direct infrastructure investing, OMERS Infrastructure has a proven track record as a long-term partner in the development and management of key infrastructure assets. Teranet and OMERS Infrastructure alike are trusted partners to governments and many stakeholders across Canada and around the world.

  • Nuland's desire: A New NAZI Homeland.

  • Excellent show. Enjoyed the Tom L. update . We’re in for an interesting ride. Cheers !

  • @veles: what did you mean about Dave of X22

  • CIA cleaning shop V

    1 like
  • Rumble has been terrible the last week or so - I’ll have full service and all I can listen to is the same 2 ads - then nada. Super frustrating

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  • Mars has been, and continues to be, carved by the electrical charges of what we call "space".

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  • 😎Have a nice weekend.

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  • All the symbolism everything is programmable everything is a lie. Everything is Babylonian Talmud symbols it's all dark

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  • Veles mentioned Jet Blake. What happened to him?

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  • Good show, including VGorilla’s remarks. Not so sure about the new pink and blue Gorilla though. Transgender logo?

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  • Keep up the good work gentlemen, always a good show. Veles I did catch Franks Monday show and was wondering if you would touch on this as it's right up your alley, you did not disappoint. I know your busy V but if its in the cards, I would really look forward to some shows with Tom Luongo and Joaquin Flores. CJ, Gus and Algo if you see this wish you and your families well and thanks for all the good input. Godspeed.

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  • It's like memes are a threat to the symbols from the old world. Decent logos & symbols have subconscious meaning which is fine & all. They can serve as gateways to knowledge like mason symbols do in order to provide the structure to the greatest pyramid scheme ever. Get to the 33rd degree and you are told everything else you were told before was fucking bullshit. The problem with memes is that they thumb their nose at all this horse shit you were fed all your life & suddenly are in your face funny. FBI/CIA no likey.

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