WTFR Joss And Emma (The Star Lady) Discuss Astrology Through 2024 - What Can We Expect

5 months ago

On this show I am joined by regular commentator, Emma (the star lady), for a chat about astrological happenings in the heavens - including eclipses & planets entering new phases, which, whether YOU believe it, or not, the elite string-pullers in this world use as guide points upon which to implement new laws, cause false flags, & invent new crimes for us to commit (like breathing, acting naturally, being attracted to the opposite sex, & eating meat).

It would appear that such happenings in the skies are not guarantees of outcomes one way or another, rather they provide opportunities for change for better or worse. Think of it as a melting pot: you place a solid object into a melting pot, melt it down & reform it into a new shape, which then sets, & becomes the norm for a certain amount of time. This is essentially why we-the-people are under attack right now, because the "elites" know that such a state of flux is upon us, & THEY want to maintain control for another thousand years or so. We too have the choice to effect change for the positive, & push back against yet another brutal control system (CBDCs/mass surveillance etc). Let's seize this opportunity while we have the chance by preparing for the worst battle, & planning for the greatest victory.

Emma's websites: for systemic constellation workshops psychotherapy & astrology

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