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Vatican Film List

Streamed on:

Catholic Drive Time - 877-757-9424

Friday, January 12th 2024 – St. Benedict Biscop

New: Man on video attacking Las Vegas judge was granted probation multiple times, once by same judge

Andrew Petiprin, co-author of Popcorn with the Pope: A Guide to the Vatian Film List

Dave Palmer, host of Back to the Father


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  • "They don't care about us." Thank you for saying that out loud.

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  • Miss Joe, Rudy and Adrian! And the game show and traditional values. This radio show was just the best! Here's hoping the new show, "Morning Show" is good. I'll start watching it soon to see. But wonder if anyone will ever have such a winning format! Anyway, does anyone know where Rudy and Adrian went to? Are they on another catholic show? Thanks. :oD

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  • Alleluia, I just went back to check the YouTube channel for Catholic Drive Time, I wanted to see if anything had been done to recuperate Joe's leaving Catholic Drive Time (which bummed us all out despite wishing him very well and watching his new show occasionally ... have to develop that muscle again of going to a morning show! It got last after Joe left). And on the YouTube channel page was a new video from about a month ago talking about a new show called "Morning Joy" and, yeay, lo and behold, they came to Rumble. One thing about Catholic Drive Time that I always appreciated is how they take care of their multiple platforms! Many other podcasters, yes, kindly simulcast to alternative video sites like Rumble or Odyssee but if the podcast failed, for whatever reason, they never bother to come back and upload after the fact <sigh>. So thank you, CDT and now new show for taking care of us on Rumble! So the new show, Morning Joy, is found here: Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-5698916/livestreams YuckTube (also known as YouTube): pain in the neck as there is no separate channel, as on Rumble, but at least there's a playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxq8eFudccA&list=PLo_v1zEavvx2sLiemuw90nAUe2VvUgBoB Here's hoping this show is a worthy successor of Catholic Drive Time! I was so hoping to follow along during the Lent season where people would call in to pledge their Lent penances and such! <sigh>