Happy New Year - Welcome 2024

5 months ago

Oh, the horror of mismatched patterns and crocs so bright!
We thought it was a joke, a deliberate jest,
But soon realized it was a fashion fiasco at its best.

Politics had its share of comedic relief,
With debates that resembled a wrestling cage beef.
Politicians throwing shade, trading witty retorts,
Leaving the nation wondering if sanity came up short.

And then, as if things couldn't get any worse,
An invasion of aliens came to immerse.
But instead of a sci-fi battle with space lasers,
They just wanted to borrow our internet for leisure.

Sports events unfolded with unexpected twists,
From Olympic mishaps to cheating scandals on lists.
Athletes turned entertainers with their epic fails,
Making us question if we were watching sports or fairy tales.

Oh, 2023, you've been one disastrous show,
A comedy of errors that we just have to let go.
But through all the chaos, it's laughter that we find,
For in comedy videos, we leave our troubles behind.

So cheers to 2023, a year of comedy gold,
Where disaster and mishaps surely took hold.
But as we laugh and share these tales tonight,
Let's hope that the future turns out alright!

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