The Crying Game

9 months ago

~ Supplemental Material ~

"Pursue the well-being of the city I have deported you to. Pray to the Lord on its behalf, for when it thrives, you will thrive."

- Jeremiah 29:7

Texas is best known for God, guns and cowboys. It must come as a shock to hear that the Lone Star State has problems with Wokeness...all that is attributed due to the large influx of Californians, passing along the same destructive pattern they left behind.

Despite the turning of some areas purple to various shades of blue; Texas has a long way to go, before it turns into another California. The State holds true to it's nickname. Even though it's surrounded by darkness, their light still shines.

Their Attorney General, Ken Paxton suing a pharmaceutical company for misleading Texans about its safety. It's the first State to make such a move. The details of which, can be seen below:

Please consider bringing awareness about the situation that's going on, concerning the shots; by putting a like to the video above and sharing it with others; requesting that they do the same.

If the video goes viral, it will make people be conscious of what's going on. For those that aren't aware of the situation, the next link; in the description section (which is right under the video); provides all the information concerning that particular situation.

Other facets that make Texas radiant, can be seen below...all of which is laid out in the description section.

The trajectory that Texas is on, might seem like a choice direction to go; as mentioned in the other post, a place of safe haven. Anyone considering the relocation to Texas; it's important to understand that the likelihood of America returning to traditional, Western values; is remote.

The only way to be free from what's already infecting parts of the State; is to sever ties to that which is corrupt. The link above provides information to connect to an organization that plans on doing just that.

Problem is that it isn't a simple task. Though people in the organization and even legal theorist, will say that according to the 10th Amendment; securing a majority vote in the Texas populous is sufficient to secede.

For those that think that, it'll be a rude awakening. If they press forward, after getting enough votes in the State; it will go to the Supreme Court but it's unlikely they will hear the case. The 1869, Texas v. White; will be cited and that will put an end to that. If heard, something similar would probably be argued and finish that end of separation from the Union.

To have a legally recognized secession, it will require a majority vote in the U.S. Congress. Any attempt to separate prior to a successful vote, will end up similar to what occurred in 2017, with the Catalonian separatists and Spain.

Furthermore the attempt to get enough support for Texas secession failed for 2023. The conditions might be ripe for a 2024 success. All that to say, those in other States might be of great assistance for such as cause by contacting your Congressional representative and informing the person that you like for them to support Texas leaving.

The link above provides the "how to's." Since one can't exactly contact one's representative by saying you support Texas leave because of God or safe haven; a logical approach is to state: "I believe in freedom and America is supposed to be all that.

Texas and it's people want to leave, I think it's what a free society should permit. Which is why I'm asking that you vote in favor of Texas' succession." That being the general concept but keep in mind, there's no need for that until they first get all the votes need to go make the push on a national level.

This leads to the other issue: praying for Texas. Some might think it's pointless. They will point out that it says in the Bible, the world will get bad. Though it's true, it's also important to keep in mind, when the Bible speaks, concerning the last days, it does so in generalities.

One doesn't know the full details of how exactly things will play out. Take for example what many Biblical scholars say; none of them see any hints with America being anywhere in prophecy.

That's why many have speculated that America will be insignificant by the time the Book of Revelation occurs. The way things are developing, this analysis seem to be accurate.

Here's the thing, scholars will also say that there are two possibilities as to America being in the Book of Revelation; chapter 12:14-17 & chapters 17 & 18. It would seem impossible to be both but if America split up, both could be true and America could be actually represented in both Passages.

In addition, God says when you see the "Abomination of Desolation," to flee. What's the point of fleeing anywhere if the entire world is under control of the Antichrist? That's why, putting in the time to bless areas that God has chosen to make "safe havens" isn't a waste of time but solid investments.

It might seem odd to pray for something God has ordained. This line of thinking is understandable. After all God doesn't need our help for anything but for whatever the reason; He chooses to have us involved.

If one is familiar with the Passage that at the very top of this blog, God says to pray for "well-being" of the city; where He has already said will provide His protection. In Daniel, we read that he prays for the fulfillment of the prophecy that God already said He'd accomplish.

What resulted through that prayer? The Archangel Gabriel was sent to give Daniel a personal message. Seems weird that God would do all that for something He's already said He'd accomplish. Again, God doesn't need us but chooses to have us involved.

Here's an example, to illustrate all of this...God wants you to have a successful marriage. Does that mean you should simply accept it and just go about however your married life will end up being or is it a good idea to pray for the blessings and protection?

We read in Philippians 2:12-13:

"Therefore, my dear friends, just as you have always obeyed, so now, not only in my presence but even more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. For it is God who is working in you both to will and to work according to his good purpose."

Another Bible verse to think about, James 1:6-8:

"But let him ask in faith without doubting. For the doubter is like the surging sea, driven and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord, being double-minded and unstable in all his ways."

All that leads to praying. These suggestions are for Texas but it can be applied to other situations. Keep in mind that God will not grant anything that is contrary to His will so, if the area in which you are living, isn't where God desires you, then expect those prayers not to be answered.

The first, as brought forth earlier; praying for a successful and peaceful separation between Texas and the Union; would be good.

Second, pray that God would bring a mighty revival upon Texas. If you're unsure what that means, look at the next link and ask God to do the same in Texas.

Third, ask God to provide strong leaders that will defend His values.

Four, keep all those that do NOT belong in Texas; to stay out of Texas.

Another thing that would be of great benefit: paying attention to what is actually going on in Texas and pray accordingly. Blessing the channels below by checking out their material, following their channel and putting likes to all their material; will maintain one's ability to know what's going on in the Lone Star State.

The rest isn't news but various resources to check out, the one after getting to know Texas, the link beneath is to a real estate agent, in the State. As one might expect, there are lots of property videos but what is helpful is aspects of purchasing property.

Final thoughts...things are definitely not going to be easy but seek God and you will be directed to that place He will protect you.

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