Noise Matters

8 months ago

"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."

- Thomas Jefferson

It's important to contact both your Senators and Congressional representative, to make an effective change in the system. The information to contact both are linked below. For Senators:


The video covers the general idea as to how to write your elected officials. The important thing, when communicating with your officials; be civil. It's counter productive to vent, get emotional or use fowl language. Just as anyone will tune out such behavior; the same will be done if you engage in such behavior.

Those that have the time to do so, communicating through letters and phone calls; oppose to a single means of communication; is the most effective way of having your message noticed.

Those souls brave enough to call, here's important tips to make your actions impactful:

Prepare by knowing the issue you wish to discuss, your goal or the action you want the legislator to take. Before calling, have your message written in front of you and review it carefully so you know exactly what you want to say. Keep the message simple and concise.

When making the call, identify yourself. Unfortunately, our day and age we've lost any sense of etiquette. Simply stating: "Hi, my name is XXX, I'd like to talk to XXX."

As mentioned earlier, be civil and when you are done thank the person you've spoken with. All of which, isn't that difficult but it does take dedication and drive to be part of the representative system that we live in.

Switching gears, it's important to understand the need for Rumble. It is one of the only two video sharing platforms that are free speech. You won't get censored and will be able to view the opinions and information that you won't get anywhere else. The other platform being:

If either one of these are lost; the capability of accessing reliable information; will be harder. That's why one must seriously make an effort to assist with making Rumble and the other liberty supporting platforms, a big success.

To fully grasp the seriousness of this issue, the video linked below is important to examine but also share with others.

An important element to keep in mind, the speaker in the video; before he became an technical news commentator and later an online personality; he worked as a New York City police officer and later had a career in law enforcement, under one of the segments under the Department of Homeland Security. Needless to say, isn't from someone who has no clue as to how the system works.

The easiest way to go about supporting the various platforms that support freedom, is to simply get on the platform, on a regular basis and to be active on them. Being active only requires supporting the various content creators you enjoy, by subscribing to their channel and putting "likes" to videos or blogs, as well as leaving comments in the comments section.

It might seem frivolous and insignificant but it helps all those involved. Doing such boosts the platform itself and the content creators as well. This allows both the platform and content creators to have a larger audience, especially if the material goes viral.

When members view, put likes, leave comments and subscribe; online analytics companies such as GlobalData, BoldData, Infotanks Media, etc., get hired by big corporations to provide the data collected from various online platforms, to see how active they are.

All of the activity guides the corporate executives with their decision making process; as to whether they should pour in large sums of money to a platform. What people get for free, such as TV and radio broadcast, as well as the numerous free access to online platforms and apps; all of it is done so by corporations going through this process; from viewing how active a particular medium is and how many people are part of it.

Supporting of the various platforms in this manner is absolutely free and takes little amount of time and effort. Those willing to take it to the next level; share the platform and/content with everyone you know.

Another way to assist with the success of platforms; report any problems you encounter. Everyone hates a glitchy online experience, so letting the developers be aware of the problem is very helpful. Any ideas you may have, is also a great way to aid in making platforms soar. To contact Rumble:

For Odysee:

Anyone willing to actually put out money to support Rumble, they have an online store:

Their merchandise isn't the best. If it were, it wouldn't be recommendations that someone does but rather must have items because they're absolutely stunning. Simply look at the logo itself and you'll be under amazed at their product esthetics but buying them does two things: 1. Direct financial support. 2. Advertising of their platform.

Rumble would have much more merchandise success, if they got a top-notch graphic artist. Take for example their shirts, getting the designers from:

Having an artists that can create something on the same level of creativity like those shirt companies; would have their material fly off the shelves. That is why getting a talented artist would be a worth while investment. If they changed the logo to something similar to:

Any number of which, from font to logo changes, similar to what was listed; would enhance the marketing of their merchandise but I digress. Getting back to the core issue.

There's several important situations, in regards to the various electronic mediums:

Both items illustrate the importance of saving information, freedom of speech and supporting platforms like Rumble and Odysee.

Another issue at hand, is electronic security. Everyone should go over the various resources below, to protect themselves against the various means an e-criminal can attack you.

In closing, it's essential with all the things covered, focus that the most valuable of all actions to take is prayer. For God is real and He does answer prayers. Pray for the issues that concern you. Also pray for the success of Rumble and Odysee. That their technical team can find and fix all glitches and that the developers would make the platforms an incredible success.

Receiving any prayers lifted up for this channel, is without question, greatly appreciated. With the Woke movement being the way it is, I'm not going to give out my name but you can always ask that God would bless "the person who operates the channel, Blue Enigma zero-one." God will know who you're talking about.

Anyone that gets blessed by the content posted but isn't signed-up with Rumble; consider doing so under this channel by using the link below.

If the referral section is blank, please copy and paste:


Thank you for your consideration!

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