CHAIN OF SOULS - Telepathy, Soul Merge, Twin Flames, Sexual Alchemy, and the Collective FIRE

5 months ago

Some of us may need to be pushed to the PRECIPICE, in order to be ready, to gaze into the fire that lives in the EYES of souls who can feel this new space, beyond the veil.
I was tapping into some serious ETHER SHIT when I was pulling this all together - shaking from head to toe, my mind spinning around in circles. It was one of the most intense and beautiful experiences of my life. It was like I was dancing on a wave, a current. Trying to capture perception of something that goes beyond the 3D - an experience my soul seems to know and remember, that exists on the astral plane, and somewhere beyond my dream state - is a hard concept to express clearly.

Words alone cannot fully convey what my heart is longing for, and what my soul may be coming to discern as true. My hope, is that a possible future awaits for souls who wish to connect to the divine, during the coming great upheaval. If you have no interest in ever melding with other souls, and experiencing love exponentially, in a network, then maybe this is not for you.

I have taken highlights from my recent writings on telepathy, soul merging, and a Chain of Souls, and turned it into a poetic message in a bottle. The addition of powerful imagery, and the musical composition “PROMONTORY,” is designed to stir the emotions and the astral body, expressing the extraordinary beauty that is found between souls, as humanity enters global INITIATION, and encounters the inevitable COLLECTIVE COURTSHIP that comes with it.

Promontory is a song about both entering BATTLE and COURTSHIP. To me, I hear:
Courtship between humans
Courtship with music
Courtship with life
Courtship with God
And even courtship with battle.

It does not do a soul any good to spend too much time gazing through a window into hell. There is also a window into heaven. For me, remaining in despair, mourning for humanity's fall, and all of the tortured souls who may be lost, was a dead end. Many are, and will continue to be, pained by the decay from the destructive, demonic forces weighing down on the collective. It was only once I decided to TRANSMUTE that pain, in exchange for something grand, something positive, and transforming, that I could see the sweetness of what may lay ahead, even amidst the chaos. Sometimes, light shines brightest in the darkest of places, and I choose love. I think this may even be the hill I am willing to die on.

Even while walking through the valley of the shadow of death, when the human EXPERIENCE is one that is shared, that melded light becomes a shared torch to light the way. When one can finally see the inner fire that lives in the eyes of waking humans, that light may break the spell of darkness that casts a prison around our perception. Sometimes all it takes is a little boost, a jump start, passed from light houses that are already illuminating brightly, to lighthouses that need to be ignited. It is THROUGH seeing others with sincere openness and love (including seeing oneself in this way), that I believe we humans might find the courage and REASON for living. If not for the sake of deep human companionship and communion, what is purpose of the journey we all share?

As a healthy prerequisite for soul expansion, one must first experience individuation, and transmutation, in order to pass initiation. Not completing this step first would be like walking onto a wire suspended between the twin towers... without first having mastered the art of wire walking! And for me personally, I knew I will never make it across that wire wearing an Elsa dress..... The false personality and the ego must be shed (mostly).

While humanity may be going through a collective dark night of the soul, I can now see and feel THE FIRE. Turbulent and terrifying times may lie ahead, but I will be looking for the FIRE in the EYES of souls who have found the shared light that connects us all to the center, the CORE. It is who I believe we are, and when we simply recognize that shared essence, when we let the veil down, and see each other for the vulnerable and emotionally complex beings that we are, I believe a space will open, a BRIDGE. That space may already be there, having been opened from the other side, requiring that we only need to cross that threshold and REMEMBER. Angels often come in gatherings, in choirs, and I hear a familiar song.


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I do not claim or own rights to any images/music/video aside from my Frozen De-Coded originals
Music: The Gael played by The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards
The Last of the Mohicans – Main Title
Film B-roll from Titanic, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Ghost, The Walk, V for Vendetta, The 5th Element, Anne with an E, Paradise (Coldplay), Lighthouse Buffs

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