New Year's Resovolution by Donovan ~ Make Your Own Dreams Come True by Living Your Life!

6 months ago

The Title for this Classic Donovan Song is a mixture of Two Words, one, Resolution, as in a New Year's Resolution, where we RE - SOLVE ourselves to Change for the Better, and two, Revolution, where by committing to this Change, we REVOLVE our Lives from one state to another...

And the Overriding Theme of the Song is to not only be a Dreamer, but a DOER, where we Transform our Lives into a Series of Adventures, by DOING what we can Dream Up, to the Best of our Abilities...which is exactly how God INTENDED us to Live from the Beginning...

In the Video, I have used Clips from Ben Stiller's Brilliant Movie, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, where Ben, as Walter Mitty, does exactly this...he goes from being a Secretive, underappreciated and undervalued Worker at Life Magazine, to Living the Company's very own Motto of...

"To See the World, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls, to draw closer, to Find each other and to Feel. That is the purpose of Life."

And in doing so, this Walter Mitty was no longer a Secret, and became Larger than Life, as he leapt into a Moving Helicopter, he then dove out of the Helicopter into the Freezing Waters of the North Atlantic, where he was attacked by a Shark, and fought the Shark off...where he Skateboarded down a Steep Hill on Iceland, at extreme speeds, trying to outrace the Plume from a Volcanic Eruption...where he Climbed the Himalayan Mountains with Guides for part of the Way, before completing his Journey, All on his own...where he then looked into the Lens of a Camera to take a Rare Glimpse of a Snow Leopard...

This Earth was Created especially for both YOU and ME, for ALL of us, and as such, it must be FREE to Travel, sans borders, sans passports, sans Rules and Regulations...our Purpose in LIFE is to Discover Who and What we Truly are, but to do that, we must first Trek our Two Great Personal Journeys...the First, is the Physical Journey of Mankind to KNOW this Earth that we Live Upon, by Living it, Sea to Shining Sea, and the Second, is the Metaphysical Journey, WITHIN, so that we may Come to Know God...but again, it is ONLY in the Doing and the Living of these Two Personal Journeys that we Truly Come to KNOW OURSELVES...for it is in the DOING of LIFE that we Discover who we Actually are, and What we are actually Capable of...

And THIS my Friends is Life, and the Reason that we actually Exist...not to become Frightened Dreamers, locked up in our Rooms, but DOERS, Great Travelers who are Here and Now, to Journey every single aspect of our Imaginations, because, if we can Imagine something, then we can DO IT, as that is exactly how God Created Us...

So, JUST DO IT and come to KNOW THYSELF...

Love, CF

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Enjoy, Love, CF

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