What Happened After I Watched Part 2 of 'Stalingrad'? You'll Have to See to Believe!

1 year ago

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In this Video, I react to the Movie ‘Stalingrad (1993)’. Stalingrad is considered one of the greatest war movies ever made and Charts the fate of a group of German Soldiers sent to attack Stalingrad.

Made by the Producers of Das Boot and described as more nightmarish than anything seen in Platoon or Apocalypse Now, Stalingrad scores an impressive 7.5/10 on IMDB.

Stalingrad was written by Jurgen Buscher, Christoph Fromm and Johannes Heide
Stalingrad was directed by Joseph Vilsmaier.
Stalingrad stars, amongst others, Dominque Horwitz, Thomas Kretschmann and Jochen Nickel. For the full cast list please visit
Stalingrad was Produced by Filmforderungsanstalt Berlin, Bayerische Landesanstalt fur Aufbaufinazlerung and Bundesminister des Innern BMI.
The copyright to Stalingrad 1993 is held by Royal Film – Bavaria Film – BA – Perathon Production.

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