The Blood of Eden by Peter Gabriel with Sinead O'Connor ~ The Union of Man & Wombman

10 months ago

I chose to release this Video now in HONOR of the 'Passing' of Sinead O'Connor, and whether or not you actually believe that she has left this World (personally, I do NOT), most can agree upon the VALUE that her Life gave to others, especially to Wombmen and Children, for whom she Fought Valiantly her entire Life...Sinead O'Connor Always Stood Tall for Sovereignty, for Authenticity, for Integrity, for Honesty and for Kindness...

When her Candle of Fame was rising highest, she abruptly ended the chances of her Public Persona ever becoming an instrument for Corporations to Profit upon, by blunting speaking the Truth on the most Public of Platforms...shaving her Beautiful Hair and maintaining a Fresh and Authentic Public Appearance that embraced Nature...Sinead was STRONG in her convictions that we should be OURSELVES, and not Corporate Shills that whore their Souls for Shekels and Rubles...and these Honest, Beautiful Sentiments were reflected in the Body of her Musical Work, which has been amazing...

In this Duet with Peter Gabriel, The Blood of Eden, she partners with the Angel Gabriel (Peter, that is), in a Video that is Breathtakingly HONEST...this Song, as with all Peter Gabriel Tunes, hit the Proverbial Nail upon the Head...what is HOLDING this World Down, Nailed to a Cross, in perpetual SIN, is the Division between the Sacred Masculine and the Sacred Feminine, because without the Palpable Presence of the Sacred Feminine, there is no significant Measurement of Sacred Masculinity upon this is ONLY through the Presence of our DIVINE Mother Earth, that we Men begin to Cease Lives living Solely within the Left Hemisphere of our Brains (Facts, Figures and Logic) and begin to Cross the River to the Right Hemispheres of our Brains, to God and the Mother, in UNION, as the Balanced Temples to our Reality...

Our One Goal should Always be to achieve and maintain, PEACE ON EARTH, and the ONLY Way in which this UNION occurs is when Men Awaken the Sacred Feminine WITHIN THEMSELVES, via the Kundalini Rising, so that the Golden Child, Christ Consciousness, Rises with the Sacred Mother, upon High...thus, the entire purpose to Life is to BALANCE TWO WORLDS into One Earth...Unifying the Masculine and Feminine (both Within and Without) as One, Electricity and Magnetism, Within and Without, The Milk with the Honey, the Left with the Right, the SON with the MOON...

Then, and only then, we will achieve this Harmony, known as Peace on Earth...this means that both Men and Wombmen MUST relinquish the EGO's Dominance over our Minds, handing our Thought and Decision Making to both Father Heaven and Mother Earth...this is the Taking of NO THOUGHT that Jesus taught within the Sermon upon the Mount, and it is THIS that represents the LEAP OF FAITH that we must all take, First, towards our Two True Parents, so that the Prodigal Sons and Daughters may finally Come Home once more, out of the Cold and into the Baptism of FIRE, out of the Red and into the Blue...

Remember this, it is only through the Acceptance of the Blood of Eden, and Her Authority upon Earth, that we may RISE to the Father in Heaven, for as sure as Mary had a Little Lamb, whose Fleece was White as Snow, that Little Lamb was SURE to go, wherever Mary went, and the Mother ALWAYS Rises and Re-Rising back Home to her Eternal Husband, God Almighty...

Thus, the Crucifixion of SIN, will always Rise the SON within us, up Most High, at the Right Hand side of the Father, forevermore, in the Promised Land of Virtue, flowing with the Milk of Mary and the Honey of the Father, as the One, True Family, the Hallowed Trinity of Father, Mother and Child, in UNION with each other, creating True Peace on Earth and Goodwill toward All Men and Wombmen...

Love, CF

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Enjoy, Love, CF

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