This Veterans Video Made Us Cry Tears Of Joy

6 years ago

In honor of Veterans Day, November 11, this week we’re putting aside the silly pranks and ridiculous lucky shots for a montage that’s a bit more patriotic. Make sure you have plenty of tissues near by, because when you get to see this compilation of the brave men and women who put their lives on the line for our country <a href="" target="_blank">coming home</a> to surprise their families and loved ones, you will have your eyes bawling, with other bodily liquid spouting out as well.

Whether it’s the little boy tripping over a patch of grass with excitement that dad’s home, or the elderly mom who got the best birthday surprise at the front door, the reunions in this video will make you cry happy tears.

Then, we have the cutsy, adorable moment, when a toddler girl does pushups with her dad fresh off deployment, to the little boy who was so confident, he managed to lift his mom’s army backpack full of gear (with little help from mom, shhh), giving this compilation of clips some sunshine.

It's such a <a href="" target="_blank">heartwarming moment</a> when a veteran comes home to their family and the reunion gets filmed, the joy is shared over and over. These amazing clips of veterans reuniting with their loved ones are sure to make you feel warm and fuzzy. Absence really does make the heart grow fonder!

Salute to all of our brave soldiers on the front lines.

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