Perpetual State

7 months ago

Here I show you what happens if the battery is resonant with the system. You get a perfect "balance" From input pulse and output pulse. Voltage does not move. Yet work is being done continuously. The idea is that a greater pulse comes in during the off time of the battery cycle of the square wave. Timing is very important and so is phase relation. And if your setup is lucky enough to have "Slave" coils, have their pulse return in between the input and output wave in the dead middle. To ensure the current always greater going into the output stage. This makes up for the current "drag" in between pulses.

In other words...

When you align the various components in a resonant manner, you start to leverage the natural oscillations of the system. A battery in resonance with the circuit effectively becomes a part of that resonant whole, acting neither purely as a load nor purely as a source, but as a coherently integrated component.

Sharing some more of my progress and notes along the way. Hope it may be useful.


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