QEG In Self Oscillation

10 months ago

Good day folks, Here I experiment with the QED in a mode a self oscillation. I tried the high voltage trigger, This worked well but I could not do much with this kind of energy as was so I figured I needed a more of a kick behind the pulse so instead I used a small 400hz inverter at 200V to charge big caps that the controller dumps into the transducer coil to kick start the self oscillation. I noticed that at the right voltage pulse /cap dump that it goes into a crazy state of self oscillation, A cheep meter reads the peaks well above 1kv and a better meter does a better job at averaging out the spikes to around 100 volts.

The way this seems to operate is it is acting like a kind of AC "Battery" where a small trigger of a few seconds, Drives it to do AC self oscillations for hours.

It was so powerful it heated up and blew up my old reactive coupling stage off the base! So I used an older Reactive home built power supply with a 10uf microwave transformer to handle the spikes on the reactive side.

The benefits of operating it in this mode is portability. The downside this much larger reactive coupling calculates only around 40ma of possible "tapping" into this reactive energy and convert it back to regular. How ever it can still charge a cap dump circuit quicky and we can convert power back that way for charging small appliances out in the bush for an example. As in this mode much of the power that is needed to create this self oscillation can't really be messed with much or else we would kill the effect.

However if you can afford a 9volt 100ma DC continuous trigger, It will be able to provide closer to that 500 watts ChatGPT calculated if we where to dump at 15uf 1kv.

So it all boils down to what mode/goals you have. Perhaps we could build a "hybrid" of both modes and have our cake and eat it too?

If you notice when I get the cam near the coil the unit even if "off" interferes with the camera at some point my audio almost goes out.

I also can't get a lock on the waveforms with the scope, It looks like a bunch of random noise (spikes)

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