Experienced Shooters: Why Train Beginners?

7 months ago


We get many students in our classes who have never handled a gun. Now many of them are shooting with us in open bay tactical events. So what makes us want to train beginners? There are two reasons.

First, there is a big demand for beginners training, driven by record sales to new gun owners. Our beginners classes fill up quickly, and many come back later for more training.

The second reason we want to train beginners is out of a sense of civic duty. Our founders guaranteed the right to keep and bear arms for a reason. They were fresh off a fight against tyranny, and understood it could happen again. By training beginners, we feel like we’re helping out in our own small way.

Find out what we have to offer experienced shooters who want to train beginners. Visit our website to learn more: https://newshooter101.net/. We have videos and lesson plans for training beginners through intermediate-level shooters.

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