Oppenheimer (Pt 4 trailer) Israels & the Worlds Nuclear Weapons for Nuclear World War ? Benjamin Netanyahu & Ezekiel 38 & 39 (Gog & Magog in London ?) Greater Israel (Genesis 15) or Greater Egypt ?... Isis

1 year ago

Please see all below pertaining to this film; (..including Do Nuclear weapons exist ...or exist as we thought ? did Israel steal the bomb ? or were they spread by agreement see part 1) will Israel fulfill biblical prophecy & expand into Greater Israel (and it is written as a future event for today see Greater Israel, UN & Cyprus https://www.bitchute.com/video/-Lj8CXhmP84/ ) and r.e. Genesis 15 (between 2 rivers) or is ISIS fulfilling other plans ? ( Russia withdraws from the Nuclear proliferation treaty in late Oct into Nov 2023. Israel also allied with UK Russia & China, Switzerland and USA ? see "Motherland Communitarianism, Technocracy, 4th Industrial Revolution 卐 Übermensch Cупермен ☭" ALL POLITICAL PARTIES ...No left or right in the uniparties https://www.bitchute.com/video/0DDNYbTIf4wX/

There are currently 32 wars in the world today https://wisevoter.com/country-rankings/countries-currently-at-war/ Contrary to the MSM the Ukraine war as the New Jerusalem or big israel, https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/4/5/zelenskyy-says-wants-ukraine-to-become-a-big-israel and others are going exactly to plan. Ukraine did not win or lose but is redeveloped to be rebuilt with Russias help, to help relocation from Israel, which will cost $Trillions from Blackrock... https://thehill.com/policy/international/3790699-zelensky-agrees-to-ukraine-rebuild-investment-with-blackrock-ceo/ or also one more ... https://www.ft.com/content/3d6041fb-5747-4564-9874-691742aa52a2
Joel 3 all nations drawn to Judgement in Israel not Mecca or anywhere else ? "UN Gathering 'Pharaohs Army' (Psalm 27, part 2 ) Cornerfringe & Max Igan" https://rumble.com/v3jn7ii-un-gathering-pharaohs-army-psalm-27-part-2-cornerfringe-and-max-igan.html

(from Sep 2021 for the near future 6.5.2023...and which contains the law on the forbidden partition of the promised land ) "ANOINTING OIL PREPARED NOW FOR THE NEW 3RD TEMPLE & THE COMING MESSIAH OF KING DAVID'S ROYAL LINE" https://rumble.com/v2m1cuc-anointing-oil-prepared-now-for-the-new-3rd-temple-and-the-coming-messiah-of.html ....and with this see Israels creation and partition... "Israel & Zion. Break up of Ottoman Empire, & end of the Caliphate & defeat of Islam by Zionism (towards the creation of Israel)" https://rumble.com/v2sfqgy-israel-and-zion.-break-up-of-ottoman-empire-the-end-of-the-caliphate.html

Derek Prince (with supporting bible verses) shows that Israels recreation will bring good but also great evil

Can Gog help to create Israel ? ...

a summary of "GOG" below (& why is the House of Joseph ignored in Khazaria / Ukraine, in Britain and wider Europe and across the world ? and only the house of Judah is cited ?)... an explanation of the global possibly nuclear war of gog is also at the end r.e. "the 7 years of fuel on the ground"
1. Gog IN THE LAND OF MAGOG as the bible states clearly that israel's recreation is ...biblical but that also as with everything good will come but also great evil would try to make it what is was never meant to be (with supporting bible verses) Gog IN THE LAND OF MAGOG as the Sufi Turks see.also Revelations 2,13 (seat of satan)  i.e. "The Sabbatean Frankist Explained and exposed By Rabbi Marvin Antelman. Ushering in the Messiah by the creation of as much Evil as possible https://rumble.com/v2hzd1y-the-sabbatean-frankist-explained-and-exposed-by-rabbi-marvin-antelman.html

2. As in the Video Gog FROM THE LAND of Magog  in England and City of London and wider  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVnH3-bCYC4    or see here also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IpmD5MLJt6g

Gog from Magog begins the war, in slower less (if you can believe that) destructive terms but which grows and which then leads into the great tribulation which is worse ... all before the 1000 year millennial reign (which some say is the Great tribulation including WW1 and WW2  forward ) The world is ruled over in the 1000 year reign, but Gog and others only pay lip service to the rule of the Messiah in the 1000 year riegn, and after the 1000 year reign Satan is let loose again Revelations 20, 7 - 10 , and Gog is destroyed by fire in Revelations 20, 9 as predicted by Ezekiel in chapter 38 and 39. Joseph as the House of Joseph and kings of Judah also reside in Europe inc England . Great men of God (inc from england, wales scotland and ireland and wider europe who as Joseph would oppose "Gog" .(Scythians descended from magog, but many married with Joseph ...scythian = scots Robert the Bruce the Scot was Judah Israelite as was King Alfred the Saxon)...  and evil men have sought to bring about a true or a false version of Holiness in the Holy land 

DO NUCLEAR WEAPONS EXIST "Oppenheimer (Pt 1A ) WW1 Dynamite & tunneling. WW2 Dynamite and Nuclear weapons. Propaganda & Programming"  https://rumble.com/v3odi7z-oppenheimer-pt-2-ww1-dynamite-and-tunneling.-ww2-dynamite-and-nuclear-weapo.html     ... AND see part 1 https://rumble.com/v3nm7i1-oppenheimer.html The

Atomic Bomb Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist ? https://rumble.com/v3n87sa-the-atomic-bomb-hoax-nukes-do-not-exist-and-gaylon-winsor-who-swims-in-nucl.html  

Israels inevitable expansion as Greater Israel "Israel's "Hegelian Dialectic" The Petro-Dollar price Fix. Military Industrial Complex communism & No Win Wars to be sustained not won & all Politicians are Liars" https://rumble.com/v32glqc-july-26-2023.html

Judah, Joseph, & the Inheritance of both houses of Israel.The Bloodlines of Europe & the 3 Genealogies of the Messiah https://rumble.com/v241bfm-judah-joseph-and-the-inheritance-of-both-houses-of-israel.the-bloodlines-of.html   &  also "The Real Stone of Destiny ('Coronation Stone') how & why it affects Britain and the Whole Worlds laws. Prince Charles not lawfully crowned as King of England or the Messiah of Israel ?" https://rumble.com/v3hnrea-the-real-stone-of-destiny-coronation-stone.html

(Shorter version of the House of Joseph here "The Tribes and Nations of Joseph inherit the Birthright & Blessings and Judah the Sceptre" https://rumble.com/v2a1a4s-the-tribes-and-nations-of-joseph-inherit-the-birthright-and-blessings-and-j.html  

The Creation of Israel WW 1 & 2 (&3) Line of Anti-Christ, Charles Saxe-Coburg Gotha.Aleister Crowley, Hitler & Mussolini. The mystery of Iniquity.Collapse of Ottoman Caliphate 1917 fwd. UN & Yeats poem "The Second Coming”.  https://rumble.com/v31ub34-creation.html  

Israel & Zion. Break up of Ottoman Empire, & end of the Caliphate & defeat of Islam by Zionism (towards the creation of Israel) https://rumble.com/v2sfqgy-israel-and-zion.-break-up-of-ottoman-empire-the-end-of-the-caliphate.html  

WARNINGS of Judgement ... Noahide is a false proposistion. Firstly all the Israelites heard Gods voice plain and loud (Exodus 19:16-25) and then Gods commandments were given twice etched in Stone (Exodus 20) so that no secret meaning was required. Greater Israel or Greater Egypt ? Genesis 15 between 2 rivers (Nile and Euphrates written before the Suez canal or the proposed Ben Gurion canal, the latter an inspired project for Israel, but with UK and France already own Suez as Greater Israel. Ben Gurion canal once nearly created with Nuclear weapons) means all this land and in multi-faith Israel today the command (Judegment) is in Exodus 20:3-5 i.e " Have no other Gods before me" is still a modern day Judgement today (like no partition of the land in 1917 or by the Oslo accords or the Abrahamic accords etc)

8.11.2023 minster who suggested Nuclear weapons on gaza is suspended https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2023/11/05/netanyahu-suspends-israel-minister-nuke-gaza/ Over 3000 nuclear tests worldwide since 1945/6 have polluted the world (Israel did not steal the bomb see part 1 they were spread by agreement) exloding one NUKE in the Negev (as proposed in 1960 - 1963) would have the same effect and provide an entry point for the Ben Gurion canal

Central to the debate on the Israeli supreme court or the Roundtable Sanhedrin (see part 3 & also https://rumble.com/v1a15uk-the-sanhedrin-of-israel-to-replace-the-supreme-court-temple-of-solomon-law-.html and also https://rumble.com/v19rvrf-knesset-israels-parliament-supreme-court-and-government.-is-israel-a-democr.html ) Gods law as.. Israel over man ,made laws (& see part 3) and Greater Israel as Genesis 15 & others and includes the House of Joseph the chosen people (who are not amalek) as israel has annointed "a messiah" then "Amaleks destruction" (or not )has not prevented this ? and this doctrine is simply an excuse to remove the House of Joseph ... (see the Sabbatean Frankists Rabbi Marvin Antelman https://www.bitchute.com/video/JJF6p3uDbzox/ )

The City of London, The Bank of England, Sol Invictus, Mithras, & St George & the Dragon https://rumble.com/v291srw-the-city-of-london-the-bank-of-england-sol-invictus-mithras-and-st-george-a.html  

Extermination of Europe, East & West & into China, & Russia. Communist Bolsheviks, Trotsky, Lenin, & Chairman Mao Zedong  https://rumble.com/v2bhmb2-extermination-of-europe-east-and-west-and-into-china.html  

Genocide in israel

Israel & Zion, deep attacks upon Israel & Zion by 'Covid' Injections ( נמרוד בראשית י ותהלים83) https://rumble.com/v2hzgjk-april-13-2023.html 
Trump, the FDA, Fachi & the Crispr HIV VAIDS vaccine epidemic in Israel & The world (deaths & Injuries) Who Pushed "Operation Warp Speed" https://rumble.com/v2i0al2-trump-the-fda-fachi-and-the-crispr-hiv-vaids-vaccine-epidemic-in-israel.html

How Israeli Ministry of Health deleted thousands of testimonies Avi Barak Media (& other stories) https://www.bitchute.com/video/0oRAcB4b6EhI/

There was already a signed & sealed contract between Pfizer & Israel (IIana Rachel Daniel) https://www.bitchute.com/video/kmbkZSGKP7ws/

Israel & Kann News, a prediction now coming true ? deaths and injuries from the m RNA injections https://www.bitchute.com/video/5hTsFIn3sSg8/

Israel fears new Holocaust Shai Danon & David Icke ( Vaccinations & the Left - Right paradigm) https://www.bitchute.com/video/B5QZlay5yxYi/

Nimrods tomb & DNA Gold-Filled Tomb--With Curse--Found in Iraq https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1989-05-28-mn-1610-story.html   Treasure of Nimrud Is Found In Iraq, and It's Spectacular https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB105485037080424400Experts search for grave of legendary Gilgamesh (aka Nimrod )https://www.abc.net.au/news/2003-05-06/experts-search-for-grave-of-legendary-gilgamesh/1849534 

NIMROD: (= Semiramis, Nimrod's & Tammuz from Bbabylon who are later in Egypt as Osiris, Isis, and Horus a triune but human trinity ) Found? https://armstronginstitute.org/116-nimrod-found  and also see https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracytheories/comments/jazoti/hillary_clinton_correspondence_about_the/?rdt=56610

General Albert Pike... Millions of Islamists or christians or Jews Hindus and more are unaware that they all could be exterminated as predicted by General albert Pike "Three World Wars to Usher in a One World Religion  https://www.bitchute.com/video/33HIQZkJGfe3/ 

How the Vatican Created Islam Part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_qYcJ-GSZc  (or here as alternative vid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSZb1B-ji1M ) or again on Bitchute https://www.bitchute.com/video/V2rD93p1K9C1/   ... 

Mecca originally outside Saudi Arabia. What is a Mihrab wall ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TIw1OPH6QvM%28or  (in Mosques) A recent documentary entitled “The Sacred City of Mecca: Have We Got It Wrong? | TRACKS” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TIw1OPH6QvM(or see here on youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOWFPTzK7D4

Vatican local parish charities for trafficking, drugs, child rape, & prostitution Global operation https://www.bitchute.com/video/QGMAtM76tsi9/

THE FORGOTTEN CHRISTIAN GENOCIDES FROM 2011 - 2016 AND ONGOING The UK parliament on the 21.04.2016, has voted unanimously to declare the Christian Genocide as Genocide in the Middle East. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/isis-is-committing-genocide-against-yazidis-and-christians-british-mps-unanimously-declare-a6994456.html This followed on from John Kerry's pronouncement of the Genocide on 17/03/2016 https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/kerry-islamic-state-slaughter-of-christians-is-genocide and also the US House of Representatives pronouncement on the 15/03/2016 https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/kerry-islamic-state-slaughter-of-christians-is-genocide and the European Parliament announcement of the Genocide on the 04 & 05 / 02/ 2016.https://www2.cbn.com/news/world/its-genocide-europe-says-christian-slaughter-isis

Nearly 1 million Christians reportedly martyred for their faith in last decade https://www.foxnews.com/world/nearly-1-million-christians-reportedly-martyred-for-their-faith-in-last-decade

Religious leaders say Isis persecution of Iraqi Christians has become genocide https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/aug/08/isis-persecution-iraqi-christians-genocide-asylum

 Germany's decision to recognise the Armenian Genocide https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-36433114#:~:text=The%20German%20parliament%20has%20approved,rejects%20the%20term%20%22genocide%22.

 Pope Francis who sounded the Christian genocide https://www.france24.com/en/20150710-bolivia-pope-francis-calls-end-genocide-christians-middle-east

Iran in Israel ? "Israel Baha'I Temple examined"  https://rumble.com/v199972-israel-bahai-temple-examined.html

Palestinian genocide Gaza 2023  https://www.bitchute.com/video/njEaYg6ifTFn/       

JORDAN which shares its flag with Gaza and the jordan flag (colours of the four horses of the apocalypse)is the palestinian flag..refusing to take refugees https://www.politico.eu/article/king-jordan-abdullah-tells-german-chancellor-scholz-wont-take-refugees-from-gaza-israel-hamas-conflict/   ... and many arab countries inc egypt refuse gaza refugees https://www.voanews.com/a/why-egypt-other-arab-countries-are-unwilling-to-take-refugees-from-gaza/7316575.html

BLACKROCK OWN UNICEF https://www.bitchute.com/video/qm6gvhZWmQGd/

"Economics"  (the spreading digital currency as the brics / petro dollar double act )

Central banks confirm (Sep 2023) Programmable money (CBDC or Bitcoin) & can digitize property rights for no ownership (B of E) https://rumble.com/v3g9h44-central-banks-confirm-digital-money-cbdc-or-bitcoin.html  


The "10 Planks" of the Communist Manifesto https://www.conservativeusa.net/10planksofcommunism.htm (blackrock etc buying out land deeds at ground rent levels under mortgages (even those who have paid a mortgage do not own the land or property ) (but in the reality of mortgages and what they actually are https://www.bitchute.com/video/dsckZbRG0k8O/  ... the scam is becoming clearer in the legal fiction)

1. Abolition of Property in Land and Application of all Rents of Land to Public Purpose. 2.A Heavy Progressive or Graduated Income Tax. 3
Abolition of All Rights of Inheritance. 4. Confiscation of the Property of All Emigrants and Rebels.


Space Oddity 2001 and the HAL 90000 computer = H + 1 = i     & A + 1 = B  & L + 1 = M  =  IBM 
(Video 51 ) IBM & The UN & THE Q QUANTUM COMPUTER & CERN IN SWITZERLAND https://www.bitchute.com/video/rqwb9ZTW7Lp6/
(IBM Promotional film) ...2019 moving to prepare for cbdc / biotcoin & cashless society

The World’s First Integrated Quantum Computing System https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAA0-vjTaNY

...GOG CONTD (see also Ezekiel 38)


1. (9-10) Defeated Gog plundered by Israel.
“Then those who dwell in the cities of Israel will go out and set on fire and burn the weapons, both the shields and bucklers, the bows and arrows, the javelins and spears; and they will make fires with them for seven years. They will not take wood from the field nor cut down any from the forests, because they will make fires with the weapons; and they will plunder those who plundered them, and pillage those who pillaged them,” says the Lord GOD.

a. Those who dwell in the cities of Israel will go out and set on fire and burn the weapons: Israel will destroy all the military equipment (described with seven terms) brought by Gog and his allies. Protected by Yahweh, they would no longer need the weapons themselves.

i. “These are not the weapons of a modern army, but Ezekiel used language the people could understand.” (Wiersbe)

ii. “Usually weapons left by a defeated enemy would be added to the victor’s cache of arms. After all, there would be other battles to fight. The war against Gog was to be no ordinary war. It will be the final battle, whose conclusion will make armaments obsolete.” (Vawter and Hoppe)

b. For seven years: This speaks of the vast amount of military equipment brought by Gog and her allies and left behind on the field of battle. There would be so much that they could use their fuel for seven years.

c. They will plunder those who plundered them: What the evil Gog and his allies intended for Israel would fall upon the defeated attackers themselves.

i. “The plunderers will be plundered and the robbers will be robbed. What the enemy will intend for Israel (Ezekiel 38:12) will be visited upon them, another vivid example of the law of recompense in kind.” (Feinberg)

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