Israel's "Hegelian Dialectic" The Petro-Dollar price Fix. Military Industrial Complex communism & No Win Wars to be sustained not won & all Politicians are Liars

1 year ago

Earth Is An Oil-Producing Machine — We're Not Running Out

Do Fossil Fuels Really Come from Fossils?

Why We'll Never Run Out of Oil

Oil: a cheap but scarce resource?


1) John Catsimatidis of United Refining

2) & also Efrat Fenigson is interviewed by Avi Yemini within & see "Israel & Zion, deep attacks upon Israel & Zion" 

Overseen by the WHO (World Health Organisation) UN. (former ?) Prime minister of Israel Yair Lapid’s explains and it is pertinent to Jewish people wanting a Jewish homeland, he says (see next link) "We believe that Israel is the nation-state of the Jewish people. Its establishment didn’t begin in 1948, but rather on the day Yehoshua Bin Nun [Joshua, insertion mine) crossed the Jordan and forever connected the people of Israel with the land of Israel, between the Jewish nation and its Israeli homeland" (so before the UN in 1947 and with or without its permission)

Trump, the FDA, Fachi & the Crispr HIV VAIDS vaccine epidemic in Israel & The world (deaths & Injuries) Who Pushed "Operation Warp Speed"

Trump the father of the Vaccine, the FDA (Food & Drug Administration ) & Fachi Vaids deaths & Injuries

HIV Vaids in the Vaccine outbreak in Israel 2021 2022 Immune system destruction, deaths & injuries

6.07.2023 "Israel Heritage Foundation awards Trump ‘crown of Jerusalem" (Trump the pedofile and who killed Israelis with the vaccine )

The Trump Vaccine

David Knight trump shot )

55 Years After the Six Day War: How Morocco and Saudi Arabia Played Key Roles in Helping Israel Win

Whether it is with Iran or Palestine or Lebanon or Egypt it is only the price of Oil (in the war machine) which dictates the war machine, not the scriptures of Israels destiny which is to be a light unto the World & the nations not a secular UN One world government Was Israel ever a "democracy" itself a form of a illusion of choice and now "Israel passes law stripping Supreme Court of power" so supreme court (by what law or laws is the supreme court based upon ? common law i.e. Gods law or "other") or a sanhedrin round table (all around the world Gods laws of sovereignty freed people from lockdowns and vaccine tyranny (not over yet )

and Zeitgeist

3) Gregory Mannarino The Robin Hood of Wall Street

Oil: a cheap but scarce resource?

Sorry, folks, oil does not come from dinosaurs,which%20are%20natural%2C%20organic%20substances.Energy / resources scarcity is an essential myth to maintaining your slavery or whatever you call the status-quo. It’s the core justification for redistribution of goods and wealth, for high prices, for the existence of management mega-structures such as the government or even the WEF.It’s the main tool elites use to maintain dominance and dispelling it would free humanity forever.Every day we’re pushed to take Pharmafia’s medical advice at face value, without critical examination, because they are the alleged ultimate experts in what they are selling.But the same logic is considered flawed by conflicts of interests when applied to tobacco industry. Or oil industry.In fact, both Pharmafia moguls and oil moguls monetize official narratives based on fear of energy or health scarcities.John Catsimatidis is no Rockefeller, but he became a billionaire in both oil and retail industry. He makes more money if you believe oil is a rare, finite and precious commodity. Even his retail stores tax this ignorance. But in a recent interview on Fox news, he decided to spill the beans.

G. EDWARD GRIFFIN WARNS OF FALSE LEADERS IN THE FIGHT AGAINST THE GLOBALISTS (paying both sides to fight like actors but to provide a show not reality "Hegelian dialectic" )

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