Making Progress on School Choice

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Date – Thursday, November 2nd 2023 – All Souls Day

1. **Significance of All Souls Day:** All Souls Day, celebrated on November 2nd, is a day when Catholics pray for all the faithful departed, especially those in Purgatory. It's a day to reflect on the reality of death.

2. **Church's Reminder of Death:** The Church uses All Souls Day to remind believers of death's harsh realities. It presents the suffering souls in Purgatory and the misery of death, emphasizing the separation of body and soul.

3. **Meditation on Death:** Reflecting on death helps individuals understand life's true dimensions. People often assume they have time to prepare for death, but sudden and unpredictable events can end life abruptly.

4. **Uncertainty of Life:** The uncertainty of life's duration should lead to detachment from earthly things. Recognizing the inevitability of death humbles pride and reminds individuals of their accountability before God.

5. **Life's Grandeur Through Death:** Death gives life grandeur. Contemplating mortality contrasts the transient nature of earthly desires with the ultimate destiny of every soul, which is death.

6. **Modern Resistance to Grief:** Some modern perspectives avoid mourning and grief. The concept of death is often disregarded or met with fear. The Revolution, symbolizing societal upheaval, is resistant to acknowledging grief and the gravity of death.

7. **Facing Death with Serenity:** Facing death with serenity and grandeur is essential. Despite the affliction and terror associated with death, the intelligent being possesses the certainty of another life and destiny after death.

8. **Benefit of Considering Suffering:** Contemplating suffering is beneficial. Suffering has a role in life, teaching courage and resilience. Avoiding suffering is akin to living as a fragile porcelain doll, disconnected from life's realities.

Let us pray for the deceased, for the souls who are the most abandoned in Purgatory and for whom no one prays, with the consent of Our Lady, of course, who decides what to do with all our prayers. Let us also ask that they obtain for us the comprehension, love and enthusiasm for those unfathomable shadows of death that enrich the aesthetics of the universe and the authentic panoramas of human life.

All Holy Souls, pray for us!

INTRO – Happy Thursday

When someone uses the OH MY GOD statement. I say Praise be His Holy Name. I dare you to say it.

And – at 15 past the hour, Making Progress on School Choice | Students Walk Out of Class to Protest Policy Allowing Boys to Use Girls Restrooms

Also – at 30 past the hour, Shaista Justin joins us to discuss Transhumanism
She is the new President of the Center for Bioethics and Culture Network. She’s been a Development Producer in Hollywood for the past 14 years and recently Directed and Produced the documentary film: “Altered Humans: How Biotech is Changing Who We Are” airing now on Epoch TV. You can read her analysis of the intersection of Transhumanism and popular culture in her weekly column “Transhumanist Culture Wars”
in the CBCN newsletter. She’s also the author of “Winter, the Unwelcome Visitor”, a book of poetry endorsed by Nobel Prize Winner JM Coetzee.

Oh Yeah – at 45 past the hour,

Plus – in the next hour, Allan Smith with Bishop Sheen Today will be joining us to discuss Calvary and the Mass

As always – we have the fear and trembling game show with a prize from

My grandfather’s cancer.

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