Opposing Socialism on College Campus

1 month ago

𝗠𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗧𝗵𝗿𝗲𝗲 𝗛𝗮𝗶𝗹 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝘆𝘀 𝗣𝗹𝗲𝗱𝗴𝗲. 𝗖𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗸 𝗛𝗲𝗿𝗲:

Opposing Socialism on College Campus

What happens when you challenge socialism on a college campus these days? Well, this is what happens….. (0:05-0:13)

Stay tuned to see more.

Hello and welcome to America Needs Fatima, my name is Adrien Fonseca! Thank you all for being here today. Oh, and also make sure to comment below and share your thoughts on today’s topic! I’m looking forward to reading what you all think!

Okay, on to that clip we saw in the beginning….

That clash between young Catholics and pro-socialist students took place on February 20, 2023, when TFP Student Action volunteers went to Towson University in Maryland to oppose socialism.

Reactions to the TFP’s peaceful event on campus were mixed. Many students expressed disdain for socialist ideas that have shipwrecked every nation where it existed, but others who are supporters of communism and socialism, displayed illogical and vulgar hatred.
So what was the conclusion? Is free speech free and respected? Not so much for patriotic Americans. Let me tell you the rest of the story.

TFP volunteers set up their campaign at Freedom Square in the heart of campus. Their banner read, “May God Protect America from Socialism,” and they handed out flyers titled “Ten Reasons to Reject Socialism.” The flyer explains how socialism and communism are the same ideology and both violate legitimate and personal freedom and human nature.

In a short time, hundreds of flyers circulated and dozens of debates followed.

One young woman erased the quote that TFP wrote on the free speech board.

And soon enough, university police arrived to say that prior permission was needed for TFP volunteers to exercise their First Amendment rights in Freedom Square.” They were kicked OUT of Freedom Square.

According to Towson University’s website, Freedom Square’s mission is to “provide a forum for the campus community to express and deliberate issues of civic concern.” The square “shall be a haven for freedom of expression and speech, in addition to encouraging an atmosphere of critical thinking and debate.”

I guess there was no free speech for those opposed to the left’s agenda!

So, the scene was ironic. A university official and two police officers escorted the volunteers away from Freedom Square to Towson University’s “designated public space,” which was a desolate place off campus with zero interaction with students.

It seems that free speech is only for those with liberal views.

But instead of being dismayed, TFP volunteers found a busy street corner where students walked. At this location, they continued their outreach and received a number of positive honks from the cars and trucks that passed by.

As they worked to change hearts and minds, among the various people they encountered, was a young man who was a self-proclaimed socialist that followed Student Action all the way from Freedom Square to their new location, demonstrating that he knew how to give his middle finger to us the entire way. He muttered pro-transgender propaganda as he stood near the group. He continued to scream “Hail Satan!” as the TFP volunteers prayed the rosary. He made the clear connection between Satan and communism.

Then the TFP asked the young man, “Why are you a socialist?” But he didn’t have an answer. He only lifted his stereo in the air, inviting them to join in his dancing as he played the USSR anthem.

Not long later, he yelled out, “I am pro-communism!” Again, he was asked, “Why?” but didn’t have an answer. It was simply impossible to have a debate with him.

Another young man came to hold a sign next to the group that said, “Honk if you support LGBTQ rights.” So he was asked how he made the connection between LGBTQ rights and socialism.

He responded, “Oh, I’m just out here having fun honestly…It’s kind of weird vibes out here and I think these are better vibes.” He did not want to talk about the link between LGBTQ and socialism.

But on a more positive note, three students stopped to tell the TFP how happy they were to have them on campus. They admired the TFP for going into the hotbed of wherever there is controversy, and to do it without fear. With Christ and truth on their side, they said, what can we fear?

America Needs Fatima is a campaign to capture the heart and soul of America with the Message of Our Lady of Fatima. In 1917, Our Lady asked for prayer, penance and other measures to avoid chastisement of suffering, famines, and wars. She also promised that:

“Finally, my Immaculate Heart will triumph.”

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