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Paranormal Dork Chat!

1 year ago

Welcome to episode 8 of The Paranormal Rundown!

Halloween is upon us, and we have something really special for you! We have two great episodes recorded in the past month that we just could not decide between for Halloween. So we are going to publish both! This second episode is with Sylvia Shults, author, podcaster, and paranormal investigator. Sylvia has a vast amount of experience in the paranormal field, investing multiple locations and doing wide amounts of research for her books. Our discussion wanders along a wild, twisted path of Halloween topics including the Codex Gigas and other Mideival Grimoires, The Priming Effect, EVPs, the Ouija Board, Table Tipping, the Philip Experiment, the Estus Method, Tulpas, Mirrored Men, The Bridgewater Triangle, Dogtown, Heavenly Bodies and Saints Relics, Types of Ghosts, Ghost Possession, Naga, Jinn, Jeff The Talking Mongoose, Spiritual Protection, and more. This is a long one, so strap in and enjoy the show!

Please visit https://sylviashults.wordpress.com where you can find information on Sylvia's books, the Lights Out! podcast, her contact information, and more.

If you would like to get in touch with us, please email us at feedback@paranormalrundown.com, we would love to hear from you! It would be GREAT if you were to email us some of your favorite Halloween topics or stories!

The Paranormal Rundown is a partnership between the hosts David Griffith, JJ Johnson, Father Michael Birdsong, and Vic Hermanson.

Be sure to check out our partner podcasts:

You can find JJ at Southern Demonology, https://www.southerndemonology.com

You can find Vic at Trailer Trash Terrors, https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/vic-hermanson

You can find Father Birdsong at https://www.becomingahouseofprayer.com


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