COAL Production by Country and World since 1900

7 months ago

This bar chart race shows the coal production by country/territory and world from 1900 to 2022, measured in terawatt-hours equivalents.

Coal production from 1900 to the present has been a dynamic and crucial aspect of global energy and industrial development. At the start of the 20th century, coal was the primary source of energy for industries and transportation, and several countries were prominent coal producers.

During the early 1900s, coal production was concentrated in major coal-producing nations such as the United Kingdom, the United States, Germany, and Russia. The coal industry fueled economic growth, but it also faced labor disputes and safety concerns, leading to regulatory changes and labor movements.

The two World Wars increased demand for coal as an energy source, but the post-war years saw a gradual shift towards alternative energy sources. Environmental concerns and technological advancements led to the decline of coal as a primary energy source in many industrialized nations, particularly in Europe and North America. Coal mining also became more mechanized, reducing the need for labor.

In the latter half of the 20th century and into the 21st century, coal production remained important in regions like China, India, and parts of Southeast Asia. Rapid industrialization and urbanization drove increased coal consumption in these areas. However, global efforts to combat climate change and reduce carbon emissions brought greater attention to the environmental impact of coal use.

Recent decades have seen a push towards cleaner energy sources in many countries, such as natural gas and renewable energy, resulting in a decrease in coal's share of the global energy mix. The decline of coal mining in many Western nations has been accompanied by debates over job losses, community impacts, and the transition to more sustainable industries.

Overall, coal production has undergone significant shifts in the past century. It has moved from being the dominant energy source worldwide to facing challenges due to environmental and economic factors. The future of coal production remains a topic of discussion as the world seeks a balance between energy needs and sustainability.

Data source: Energy Institute Statistical Review of World Energy (2023), The Shift Data Portal.

Music: Black Zodiac by Jaxius

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