辉瑞临床试验举报人:“他们知道这个产品是危险的并且会伤害人”!进行辉瑞疫苗试验的分包商 Ventavia 研究小组没有正确获得知情同意,他们还对患者进行欺诈手段从患者文件中删除信息

1 year ago

Pfizer clinical trial whistleblower: 'They knew this product was dangerous and could hurt people'! Ventavia Research Group, a subcontractor conducting trials of the Pfizer vaccine, did not properly obtain informed consent and also defrauded patients by removing information from their files. These violations were subsequently concealed from Pfizer, and I reported the matter to the FDA. About 6 hours after contacting the FDA, I was fired. I was betrayed in so many ways, especially knowing that they knew this product was dangerous and was hurting people.
辉瑞临床试验举报人:“他们知道这个产品是危险的并且会伤害人”!进行辉瑞疫苗试验的分包商 Ventavia 研究小组没有正确获得知情同意,他们还对患者进行欺诈手段从患者文件中删除信息,随后向辉瑞隐瞒了这些违规行为,我向 FDA 报告了此事,在联系 FDA 大约 6 小时后,我就被解雇了,我在很多方面都被出卖了,尤其是知道他们知道这种产品很危险并且正在伤害人们。

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