Oppenheimer (Pt 3) Cern,The Rose Croix line Da Vinci code, Jacobs ladder, Israel Switzerland, France. Gates of Hades, Science & Esoteric Scientism (Gnosticism in theory and practice)

1 year ago

The sublime supreme court in Israel (commissioned also by Rome but which has fallen short of purpose in the protests on this issue in Israel, see Rose cross line info below) was ALSO made to prosecute the truth and shed light on the mysteries (as one example...1/3 of the Angels fell from heaven but 2/3 remained, yet why ? did 1/3 fall and so on ) yet the Sanhedrin based on Gods temple design and law and Noahide is not Torah ( sanhedrin is a 'Round Table' in the temple courts see film on this below with also separately the film on the sabbateans and "jews who are not jews" ) was already set for this. Israels expansion in the maze of history is written in the law & Prophecy as inevitable, which is bewildering to many (Nimrod opposed God in every way including in law on earth and even to kill God and preventing the expansion is 'Nimrods' aim or if possible perverting its meaning into something else parallel to the original meaning) ...but it is why partition is attempted and brought forward and enacted. Heaven Hell & Judgement Rome France (Da Vince code & Rose line explained below) Switzerland, Israel & Why Israel cannot be partitioned in the law (Israel or Jerusalem) and judgement comes when it is partitioned as written and from Old Testament, Psalms prophets and Gospels and NT into the future, see also in the trailer description box for part 3, as a former prime minister of Israel explains when Israel was actually created) ..since the video below (next link below ) was made in late 2021 (and which explains the law on this issue)  Prince Charles was anointed King of Israel as Messiah on 6 May 2023 (but not on the stone of destiny jacobs stone / pillar and is therefore invalidated see film below at the end)"ANOINTING OIL PREPARED NOW FOR THE NEW 3RD TEMPLE & THE COMING MESSIAH OF KING DAVID'S ROYAL LINE"  https://rumble.com/v2m1cuc-anointing-oil-prepared-now-for-the-new-3rd-temple-and-the-coming-messiah-of.html

(Judgement... UN Gathering 'Pharaohs Army' (Psalm 27,pt 2) Cornerfringe & Max Igan (& Pandemic Treaty) Yom Kippur https://www.bitchute.com/video/I3MTHGtYWozd/    ?

N.B. The Rose Croix (Rosy Cross)  line which passes thru France near the double circle of the Hadron collider and is connected and the hadron collider which is also partly in France and in a part of France which is under Swiss authority over an old Roman Temple. The Rothschild's related to the Oppenheimers and all answer to the Farnese, Colanna and Orsini families (see part 1a also) Gog FROM Magog is not the Khazers (who are in the lands the 10 tribes the house of Joseph settled in i.e Joseph the chosen people from Jacobs dream stone of destiny see trailer for part 3 and the book of Esdras showing the 10 tribes journey over the caucuses mountains as Israelitea not Jews of Judah) The Khazers in the 8th century assimilated and 1300 years after the 10 tribes settled there, they are different from the Gog FROM Magog war which occurs AFTER the 1000 reign which has not occurred yet, It is God who reigns down fire on GOG see Ezekiel 39, 6 and Joel 3, Mark 13 fulfilled in Revelations 20, 7 to 9.

Iran already in Israel? "Baháʼí faith (Israel at war with Iran ?) 'Abraham accords' Israels lands shrinking ? Ron de Santis" https://rumble.com/v1k3599-bah-faith-2-israel-at-war-with-iran-abraham-accords-israels-lands-shrinking.html 

"The Sabbatean Frankist Explained and exposed By Rabbi Marvin Antelman. Ushering in the Messiah by the creation of as much Evil as possible" https://rumble.com/v2hzd1y-the-sabbatean-frankist-explained-and-exposed-by-rabbi-marvin-antelman.html ...sabbateans = the Sufi Turks as Gog. Turkey and Pergamos “Satan's seat” (Rev. 2:13) The synagogue of satan and "Jews who are not Jews" in Rev 2, 9 refers to first the Herodians who converted to the Pharisees (The installation of Herod the Great an Idumean (idum, = edom & edomite ) as king in 37 BCE made Judea a Roman client state and marked the end of the Hasmonean dynasty. John the baptist was the real high priest and he and his followers were banished to the dead sea area from where we get the dead sea scrolls of various dates ).Talmudic Judaism (200 - 400 ad ) not Torah Judaism grew out of the pharisees and after the temple was destroyed in Jerusalem a new Judaism appeared The Herods at the time of the temples destruction were not Jews and Herods offspring moved to France and Europe, from where the false da vinci code springs today (merging with the syrian priest kings of baal, mithras and Babylonian practices and which inspired "syria palestinia" named in revenge by Rome after the Jewish revolts but only in 250ad to 400ad after which it disappeared as a state...see the trailer for part 3 at 8 minutes to 9 minutes https://rumble.com/v3pimqb-oppenheimer-part-3-trailer-end-times-doctrines.html ) .. After the Herods and later the Nicolatians from them and their doctrine of Balaam ...1900 - 1800 years ago were then the jews who are not jews of Revelations 2, 9 - 13)...another error presupposition grafted onto today

Israels supreme court Judges appoint a judge when they retire (continuation of political views ) whilst the Knesset has only 1 chamber and Gods law rediscovered should become the shining light in Israel (Torah Psalms Prophets Gospels and NT )

The Sanhedrin of Israel (to replace the Supreme Court ?) Temple of Solomon Law, a new Round Table ?  https://rumble.com/v1a15uk-the-sanhedrin-of-israel-to-replace-the-supreme-court-temple-of-solomon-law-.html  

Hill of Evil Counsel & the UN hq in Jerusalem. Zion & the Temple of Solomon.The Ring of Power  https://rumble.com/v19lq0u-hill-of-evil-counsel-and-the-un-hq-in-jerusalem.-zion-and-the-temple-of-sol.html  

The Knesset, Israels Government & Supreme Court. Is Israel a 'democracy' or should it be ?  https://rumble.com/v19rvrf-knesset-israels-parliament-supreme-court-and-government.-is-israel-a-democr.html

All faiths will have to be edited  and rewritten (all ) "AI to write new correct bible for all faiths Yuval Noah Harari"   https://rumble.com/v3hnsko-ai-bible.html 

Mt Hermon. Fallen Angels. Hoover Dam 666 930. Colorado.Bigfoot. Flood of Evil Rebellion13  https://www.bitchute.com/video/MDdBRQX9E6dD/

Israel Chamas-violence. Jesus at Mt Hermon. Rebellion-13-USA. War. Love of Money.  https://www.bitchute.com/video/RIC6iCMc9NfK/

Microcosm & Macrocosm, Cern, DNA, & the Universe, "CERN Where Science and the Supernatural Collide - End Times Productions" https://www.bitchute.com/video/Su6Q2HEX1iwf/ and also https://rumble.com/v150u7h-shiva-the-destroyer-of-worlds.-microcosm-and-macrocosm-cern-dna-and-the-uni.html
Connected Theories Apollyon the Destroyer and Shiva. Jacobs Ladder from the bible (Joseph was Jacobs son and became 2nd in command of Egypt) and Shiva and India connection "CERN Where Science and the Supernatural Collide - End Times Productions" https://www.bitchute.com/video/Su6Q2HEX1iwf/

UN BASE ON MOUNT HERMON IN ISRAEL (UNDOF) THE 200 FALLEN ANGELS FELL HERE (ON THE 33RD PARALLEL) https://rumble.com/v13j1f1-un-base-on-mount-hermon-in-israel-undof-the-200-fallen-angels-fell-here-on-.htmlIsrael

Zion and the attacks on Israel by 'Covid' Injections ( נמרוד בראשית י ותהלים 83 ) https://rumble.com/v1ji15r-israel-zion-and-the-attacks-on-israel-by-covid-injections-and-83.html"Israel fears new Holocaust Shai Danon & David Icke ( Vaccinations & the Left - Right paradigm)" https://www.bitchute.com/video/B5QZlay5yxYi/ or here again also https://www.bitchute.com/video/gYvFmp0proUr/HIV Vaids in the Vaccine outbreak in Israel 2021 2022 Immune system destruction, deaths & injuries https://rumble.com/v2hzr9w-hiv-vaids-in-the-v-accine-outbreak-in-isreal-2021-2022-immune-system-destru.htmlVAIDSIn 2021 / 2022 the Vaids 'conspiracy' theory (from the experimental nMRA injections ) is now shown to be true from peer reviewed papers https://player.fm/series/the-last-american-vagabond-2809048/new-peer-reviewed-study-finds-pfizer-jab-causes-vaccine-acquired-immune-deficiency-syndrome-vaids The longer show is here on the subject https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGkVgypfBMQ and new variants. The vaids issue was classed as a conspiracy theory despite the Media in Israel reporting the outbreak during vaccinations in 2022 see " Trump, the FDA, Fachi & the Crispr HIV VAIDS vaccine epidemic in Israel & The world (deaths & Injuries) Who Pushed "Operation Warp Speed" https://rumble.com/v2i0al2-trump-the-fda-fachi-and-the-crispr-hiv-vaids-vaccine-epidemic-in-israel.html The paper from 'Frontiers in Virology'

Israel's Bio - Convergence experience, the 4th Reich of Communism & Scientism... "In the Beginning" https://rumble.com/v38igjb-israels-bio-convergence-experience-the-4th-reich-of-communism-and-scientism.html

Israel's "Hegelian Dialectic" The Petro-Dollar price Fix. Military Industrial Complex communism & No Win Wars to be sustained not won & all Politicians are Liars https://rumble.com/v32glqc-july-26-2023.html

mirror... Real Stone of Destiny,Coronation Stone & Common Law & why it effects Britain & the Whole Worlds Laws https://www.bitchute.com/video/gq6PwmgDziWe/

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