Pain Inside

1 year ago

Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other command greater than these."

- Mark 12:30-31

A big red flag should go up in everyone's mind whenever you hear about a situation when a "democracy" has political prisoners. This is just one of many indicators that the Western world has lost itself.

The core, the essence of liberty is being free to believe whatever you wish and to view the world in the way an individual chooses to, at the same time; safe for doing so.

"Reeducation" or, as it's called with many of these type of programs, "sensitivity training;" is nothing more the brainwashing. It's full blown government sanctioned or sponsored behavior modification programs.

Sadly all the talk about China being a dictatorship...some of the Western nations are not that much different. The only difference the Chinese know they are; those in the West, do not.

An important element to keep in mind, the speaker in the last video; before he became a technical news commentator and later an online personality; he worked as a New York City police officer and later had a career in another law enforcement agency, under one of the segments in the Department of Homeland Security. Needless to say, this isn't from someone who has no clue as to how the system works, instead he was one of those that enforced it.

What happened to the Perna family, is a great tragedy. Please take the time to say a prayer for them. Those wishing to share any words of encouragement or champion their cause, can contact Geri Perna (the person speaking in the video):

Consider sharing this video with everyone you know. Help people know what's going on; doing what the corporate news should have done.

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