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40 Babies Story (2)

1 year ago

"NO WORDS: Hamas Savages Cutting Off the Heads of BABIES and Gunning Down Families In their Beds" - Gateway Pundit - https://tinyurl.com/ubak5pnz
Hamas reportedly attacked the small community of Kfar Aza and beheaded the babies. This propaganda is being taken up by the media, including The Gateway Pundit.

Shades of the Kuwaiti ambassador’s daughter: "...They took the babies out of the incubators, took the incubators and left the babies on the cold floor to die."


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  • "NO WORDS: Hamas Savages Cutting Off the Heads of BABIES and Gunning Down Families In their Beds" - Gateway Pundit - https://tinyurl.com/ubak5pnz Hamas reportedly attacked the small community of Kfar Aza and beheaded the babies. This propaganda is being taken up by the media, including The Gateway Pundit. Shades of the Kuwaiti ambassador’s daughter: "...They took the babies out of the incubators, took the incubators and left the babies on the cold floor to die."

  • This reporter has a "duper's delight" smile -- a giveaway. Note the "soldiers" are making sure their faces are not photographed and keep turning away. And why are they just milling around? What's the purpose of that if there is work to do bringing all those terrorists under control? This broadcast MUST be investigated. Is there any veracity here at all?

  • Thank you& please continue revealing the truth We are watching the movie 🍿 The sooner normies WAKE UP Sooner the movie comes to the end. More Arrests, Tribunals & those guillotines Obama bought, with our tax dollars, can be put to good use 🎯🎉🍿🙌

  • Looks like they are having a hard time finding believable ACTORS. Good thing. Disgusting.

    1 like
  • I don't believe it, there's been too many fake crying reporters caught in lies.

  • So someone told her stuff and she is pacing and repeating what someone told her. But no actual evidence of anything