Sunak’s speech was a blame game sponsored by Infosys.

9 months ago

As Tory Conference finally ends, Rishi Sunak sticks a lacklustre speech on the end opened by his sponsor..err..wife.
Right, so Tory Conference is thankfully over, will we have to tolerate another Sunak led washout like this again before the next election, I somehow doubt it, not least of which after that speech, after this spectacle, I’ll be amazed if Sunak is still leader by next Autumn. Sunak’s speech was a blame game from end to end, with all the grit and determination of a 6th form debate club newbie, but putting his completely unelected wife, with all the scandal that has come out in recent months because of her, just served to remind us that no matter how much blame Sunak wants to apportion to others, much of the mess he’s made for himself and his reputation amongst voters, sponsored by Infosys as he seems to be, well, Akshata Murthy’s presence just served to remind us of all of that before Sunak himself even uttered a word. It seems to me that Sunak firmly believes now that lies don’t matter, as long as his lies dominate those of the opposition.
Right, so Sunak’s speech began even before he’d made it to the stage himself as he began with a word from his sponsors, also known as his wife Akshata Murthy, she of the Infosys shares fame. New oil and gas licences in the North Sea? Yes please, oh look, Infosys have IT contracts with Shell and BP. Budget sweetener for childminders doubled if they sign up to a chosen provider one of which Sunak’s wife happens to have shares in? Oh the coincidence. Non-dom status despite being married to then Chancellor Rishi Sunak in order to avoid paying tax on those Infosys shares? Whoops, what an oversight and Sunak tried to tell us he could be trusted with the nations purse-strings whilst denying any knowledge of his own household finances. Akshata Murthy taking the stage ahead of her husband simply served to remind us all about all of that, about Sunak’s own role in things and might not have been the endearing, saccharine sweet puff piece it was intended to be. For many it was a reminder of just how deceitful, particularly when it comes to his own personal wealth that Sunak can be. For a Conference that has been marked by gaffe after gaffe, from Steve Barclay going transphobe in blocking trans women from female wards and declaring a war on pronouns amongst health workers, to Michael Gove claiming the NHS is getting that £350m a week extra written on the side of Bozo’s bus, to Mark Harper claiming local councils will stop you going shopping when you want to, lies and conspiracy theories so blatant you must have the IQ of a mushroom to believe it, all of it about as honest as Nadhim Zahawi’s tax returns, combined with all the humanity of the Terminator.


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