Tory conference sees donors calling to defund Sunak!

9 months ago

Rishi Sunak's conference woes continue with Liz Truss proving more popular than he is & donor calls to defund the party!
Right, so the overarching theme this week of Tory Party conference is that of those members who have bothered to turn up to it with all those empty seats, they prefer to listen to the crazies than listen to actual ministers and with Sunak due to speak on the final day, well, it makes you wonder whether members will bother to stay for it, or sod off home early before the train strikes hit scheduled for that last day of conference. And you have to ask why would they would bother when Sunak, already regarded as a complete and utter weakling of a Prime Minister has been reminding people just how weak he is even at this conference!
Right, so Tory Party Conference rumbles on and there’s been a bit of a theme emerging in that the government ministers are proving to be less of a hit, I cannot imagine why and that actually it’s the fringe events, the backbenchers and those speaking outside the main arena that are for the most part garnering more attention and none of it, absolutely none of it is doing Rishi Sunak any favours, least of all Sunak himself. You know they haven’t got a scooby when they travel all the way to Manchester, hold their conference in Manchester and then decide to announce that HS2 won’t now be going to Manchester. Most delegates arrived on a day of rail strike action. Many of the empty seats we’re seeing for those speeches were down to delegates not actually able to arrive because of the strikes and frankly the Tories holding their conference in the North, when their base is in the south has always been a bit of a weird one to my mind, is it just rubbing it in the faces of those that don’t vote for them I have no idea, but of all places to hold their biggest annual fundraiser, they do it in a city that they’re now denying something to that has been promised for years. Well done Tories, well done. It also hasn’t helped when ministers, who typically like to unveil a few surprises to please their membership and their donors, decide to rake up old news, such as Jeremy Hunt has done, once more recommitting to pay for tax cuts by slashing welfare, because they seem to announce this every year, blatantly appealing to those who like this idea, because its popular amongst those with money to batter those with next to none. It wasn’t even his biggest sham declaration though because he also declared a ban on debanking MPs in the wake of the Nigel Farage Coutts story, which was abject nonsense from start to finish. He’s going to change the rules so nobody can be debanked, for being politically correct when the Financial Conduct Authority has already investigated this and found no evidence that it is happening.


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