Roger Waters has taken a leaf out of Ken Loach’s book.

9 months ago

Just as Ken Loach has been targeted in a joint BBC - Campaign Against Antisemitism hit job, now Roger Waters has too.
Right, so the same Israel funded lobby group that has apparently fed the BBC a line to attack Ken Loach over in a recent interview are now also behind renewed recent attacks on Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters, so it’s very much a case of here we go again with the BBC and Campaign Against Antisemitism in lockstep with each other, however it seems Waters might have taken a leaf out of Loach’s book in handling them. Nonetheless though, given the CAA’s funding sources and their allegedly biased politicisation of racism, borne out by the fact that they’re under investigation by the Charity Commission for that very thing, hence the word alleged, why is anyone taking any notice of them still and why are their attacks still garnering so much attention in the mainstream media, like the BBC supporting them again, just as they did with Ken Loach, just as they did with Jeremy Corbyn, who, if they were doing their jobs right, would be exposing this sham instead of simply platforming more of it, seemingly without question?
Right so the Campaign Against Antisemitism have released a documentary claiming Pink Floyd co-founder Roger Waters is an antisemite, because of course it’s what they do and naturally the BBC have, just as they’ve recently done with Ken Loach, which I’ve covered in another video, dutifully reported on this, giving the story a massively elevated platform that it frankly doesn’t deserve and at this point with both Roger Waters and Ken Loach in the frame for the same form of racism and accused by the same apparent charity, I have to wonder what the BBC itself is getting out of this, or is the weaponisation of antisemitism slurs still a ratings winner, so who cares if the source is decidedly dubious and when the slightest bit of cursory investigation, even by a former welder like me with no particular journalistic training can show it up to be an epic sized can of balls in around 10 minutes?
Well let’s start with the BBC here, they’ve reported that Floyd has been accused of antisemitism by people who worked alongside him as part of what they’ve called a damning documentary, an investigation by the Campaign Against Antisemitism who are claiming Waters made repeated derogatory references about Jewish people, including reference to the giant inflatable pig that floated above the crowd as part of Water The Wall rock opera could be daubed with a highly offensive antisemitic slur. Apparently his former producer Bob Ezrin and a saxophonist called Norbert Stachel have also made claims against him. The BBC then proudly claimed that both they and the CAA have approached Waters for a response, but hadn’t had one at time of recording. The one honest thing about the report was that Waters has denied that he is anti-Jewish and that actually he is opposed to bigotry and fascism.


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