BROAD THINKING: What the !@#$ is Wrong with Kari Lake?

1 year ago

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Background Music Credit:
Music: Hang for Days - Silent Partner

BROAD THINKING: What the !@#$ is Wrong With Kari Lake?

What the !@#$ is Wrong With Kari Lake? She’s the Republican running for governor of Arizona. She’s a hypocrite. She’s the one who trashes drag queen story hour yet there’s photos of her at a drag show while wearing a shirt advertising a drag queen. She’s a flip flopper - first a Republican, then a Democrat after Obama clinched the ‘08 nomination, then more recently, back to Republican. She claims to love Trump but was found to have posted a photo of Trump that says “not my president” to Facebook in 2017. It lists ways to protest Trump - including donating to Planned Parenthood. Her caption then asks others how they will be protesting his inauguration.
She also goes on non-stop about her love of law enforcement. You know the type. Always parading around the thin blue line flag and praising cops. Everything is woke and Black Lives Matter people are psychos and law and order… yada, yada, yada. But, ther lies her greatest and most recent hypocrisy. Earlier this year it was discovered by the Daily Beast that one of Lake’s campaign staffers once admitted to a murder-for-hire plot against an FBI informant. Kenneth Ulibarri was hired to oversee Latino Engagement but his skill set is better suited for crime than politics. In 2014 he tried to stop an FBI informant from testifying against him for cocaine distribution and money laundering. In his plea agreement he openly admits to it, saying:
“In May 2014, I met with a confidential source (CHS1) to discuss selling heroin …” He then says, “I and some others were hiring a hitman to kill another confidential source (CHS2) for $20,000.” He goes on to say that he did this not to kill but “for the purpose of obtaining money.” Like that distinction even matters.
Even though he admitted to hiring a hitman, he ended up just pleading guilty to obstruction of justice and heroin distribution. He was sentenced to time served and three years supervised release.
Just three years ago, in 2019, he pleaded guilty to a charge of battery against a peace officer, according to court records from the state of New Mexico.
Holy !@#$ !@#$! The next time you apply for a job don’t ever feel under qualified - at least you didn’t hire a hitman.
But it gets better though. When the Daily Beast called the number on the man’s ID badge, he answered. He spoke only in Spanish but confirmed that he was in fact Kenneth. He said he didn’t speak English well and got off the phone. That’s untrue though. He spoke at one of her rallies in fluent English. Why all the lying? Why all the cover up? The campaign hasn’t said whether they knew about his past but it looks bad anyway you look at it. They knew and hired him anyway which his reckless, stupid, and psychopathic, or the didn’t know which is a massive sign of incompetence and arrogance.
Now, Ulibarri first appeared on Lake’s campaign finance filing last Fall. The campaign has since changed how they do their accounting so that names of employees are no longer listed on filings. However, he has been to multiple events on the campaign trail with her, spoken at events praising her, and appeared at a roundtable event, according to Instagram photos.
To be that involved and public you’d think he would have some impressive title, right? No. Here’s the moment of levity in all of this. The $2,000 paid to Ulibarri last fall was sent to an address where he is listed as the statutory agent for - get this - a natural hair services business. Okay…
Why are former murder for hire, coke distributors, and money launderers working for Kari Lake?
Why is someone so involved with her campaign listed as natural hair services?
Is she trying to cover up his involvement or shield the public from something or is she really just wasting donations from hard working Americans on hair care? I got my hair cut recently for $25! What is she doing, putting highlights in it made with real gold?
Remember when disgraced and adulterous Senator John Edwards was running for president in 2008? News broke that he spent $400 on a haircut. What is it with politicians and hair? They always look like they put a mop on their head but somehow always pay too much.
This lady spent her life in local news. She was an evening anchor in Phoenix for years before jumping on the MAGA train. She spent her life reading a teleprompter - only saying what others tell her to. This inability to think for oneself and also be incredibly vain about something as frivolous as hair is clearly a pattern of character for her. Now, some Americans think she has what it takes to lead an entire state. Please, Arizona you failed us once with Senator John McCain - don’t do it again with an even whackier, hypocritical, flip flopping, incompetent, superficial, ego obsessed local news. America needs better.


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