Any Elected Official who does NOT serve "The People" can ROT in HELL! - MP Christine Anderson

9 months ago

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MP Christine Anderson said she Stands with "The People" .... It's either "Freedom, Democracy and the Rule of Law" or SLAVERY!
Christine Margarete Anderson (born 29 July 1968) is a German politician who has served as a Member of the European Parliament since 2019.[3] A member of the Alternative for Germany (AfD), Anderson has been described as a supporter of the Pegida movement.[4] --->
MP Anderson will NOT Shut UP and she will continue to GO AFTER and EXPOSE these Despicable Globalitarian Misanthropists (A person who hates the human species)! I call them Elite Satanic Globalists!
If They want you to wear a MASK .... "Say No!"
If They want you to take a JAB ... "Say No!"
If They want to impose a CURFEW on you ... "Say No!"
And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them. - Ephesians 5:11
The POWER to overcome these EVIL ones is RELEASED by NOT complying with their EVIL Demands! ... Just "Say No"!
Submit therefore to God. But resist the devil, and he will flee from you. - James 4:7
If They don't stop at "NO" ... then tell them to go SCREW themselves and GO TO HELL! Because you are dealing with Demons who's final destination is HELL!
These are the closing remarks of MP Christine Anderson at the Expert Hearing at the EU Parliament Health and Democracy - Strausburg, France (Sept 13, 2023) --->
The WHO - with its pursuit of ever more power and increased funding - is the central driver of "pandemic emergencies" as well as the undemocratic shift of political decisions to unelected, supranational organizations that can no longer be held accountable by us citizens.

With an expert hearing on September 13th in the EU Parliament, we want to get to the root of the problem and expose for the first time the constitutional mechanisms behind the WHO's power grab.

Our goals are:

1) To make people aware of the real dangers coming from the WHO and the EU.

2) To advance the public and political debate about this rapid power grab.

3) To provide concrete suggestions and examples of what we as civil society can and should do in each of our countries.

The idea is to clearly expose and dissect the clandestine WHO power grab from a legal and scientific perspective for the common citizen. After all the expert presentations, this event will result in a list of questions and demands to the European Commission in order to drive the parliamentary debate.


Prof. Mattias Desmet (Belgium)
Prof. Michael Geistlinger (Austria)
Prof. Andreas Sönnichsen (Austria)
Dr. Peter McCollough (USA)
Dr. Beate Pfeil (Germany)
Dr. David E. Martin (USA)
Dr. Maria Hubmer-Mogg (Austria)
Dr. Renate Holzeisen (Italy)
Philipp Kruse, Attorney at law (Switzerland)
Hosting MEPs:

MEP Christine ANDERSON (Germany)
MEP Mislav KOLAKUŠIĆ (Croatia)
MEP Ivan SINČIĆ (Croatia)
MEP Cristian TERHES (Romania)
MEP Virginie JORON (France)
We would like to invite all interested citizens to participate in this interesting and very important event.

Via the following link you can dial into the conference next Wednesday from 14:00 (CET). Use the live stream and benefit on this day from our numerous simultaneous translations also into your national language:


I am looking forward to seeing you!

Yours, Christine Anderson, MEP


The "journalists" and "leaders" who don't address the four pillars of Satan's Deceptive Foundation are either ignorant, disingenuous ... or They are Controlled Opposition who are Dancing with the Devil, trying to get rich pedaling the hate of one party or person over another party and person ... which changes NOTHING except the faces and tactics of deception.
1. Fake Science of Climate Change and Evolution
2. Fake Medicine of Big Pharma and the mythology of virology and germ theory
3. Fake Money of Fiat Big Bank currency and Crony Capitalism
4. Fake Morals of LGBTQ reprobate mind and sinful behavior
Jesus answered and said to him, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” - John 3:3
The ABCs of Salvation explained by JD Farag -->
A - Admit your a sinner   (Romans 3:23)
B - Believe Jesus is Lord (John 3:16)
C - Call upon His name    (Romans 10:13)
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. - John 3:16
Jesus' Blood Saves - Jesus' Death for our sins, burial, resurrection for our justification --->
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. - Romans 10:9
With your mind you BELIEVE
With your heart you RECEIVE
With your mouth you CONFESS
You're no longer DECEIVED!
Do you WANT to Know the TRUTH about what is going on in the world? This world and humanity is FALLEN and UNDER the CURSE of SIN. God has a WONDERFUL PLAN for you and for His Kingdom COME ... God doesn't want you to PERISH in SIN but to live in Christ and be BORN AGAIN! Listen to the Living word of God from the BOOK of John NKJV --->
Expose the LIES and Turn the EYES upon Jesus.
The "Mark of the Beast" is the Damnation of God upon those who don't believe in Jesus but the "Mark of the Feast" is the Grace and Pleasure of the Lord upon those who believe in Him!
Heart - The Will - (Red) - Jesus Christ - The Saving and Loving Relationship aspect of God
Mind - Reasoning - (White)- Father God - The Righteous and Critical Thinking aspect of God
Breath - Emotions - (Blue) - Holy Spirit The Convicting Revelation and Purifying aspect of God
HOPE - His Overcoming Power Everyday
REST - Resurrected Enjoyment (in the) Savior Today
LOVE - Living in Victory Everlasting
JOY - Jesus Only Y'all
Blessings - Rogersings

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