Senior embalmer Laura Jeffery on the calamari clots in the bodies of the dead since April of 2021

1 year ago

Licensed mortician Laura Jeffery has 27 years of experience in the funeral industry and as an embalmer. She's embalmed 4600 bodies during her career, so she knows exactly what is and is not normal.

Starting in January of 2021, so almost immediately after the roll-out of the clot shots, a clear change could be seen in the blood of the dead. Compared to normal blood in dead bodies, this 'dirty' blood was dark, thick like syrup, sticky, had micro-clots the size of a pinhead (others have compared the micro-clots to coffee grounds), and sometimes a rainbow sheen.

Starting in April and May of 2021, Jeffery noticed that the normal embalming didn't work as expected anymore, because the blood wasn't draining properly.

When she found the blockage and pulled it out, it looked like a tape worm of about 3-4 inches length. However, it couldn't have been a real tape worm, because they only occur in the digestive tract, not the circulatory system.

She (and, incidentally, all other embalmers) had never seen such a thing before in her career which had spanned about a quarter of a century at the time, so this is clearly NOT a normal postmortem clot.

After April and May of 2021, all bodies which were embalmed (and probably also many that weren't) exhibited the calamari clots.

As 2021 progressed, the blockages became bigger and bigger. If you took all the blockages out of a body of a person who died towards the end of the year, it was like a small plate with a heap of spaghetti.

These observations points to the blockages continuing to grow over a period of many months.

The calamari clots have integrated jelly clots at their end. They are fibrous and can't be pulled apart easily, so you have to cut them.

The blockages are like a exact cast of the blood vessels and occur in every part of the body.

Jeffery doesn't even try to start with the regular embalming process anymore, since she knows the circulatory system is blocked anyway. Her new procedure is to start by pulling as much of the blockages as possible from the vicinity of the carotid artery before even thinking about starting the normal embalming procedure.

While a pre-vaxx embalming process used to take about 2 hours, the post-vaxx embalming process take 3-4 hours.

They calamari clots are solid, so they're not the lining of the blood vessel.

They differ in size depending on their location in the circulatory system. Blockages coming from small blood vessel are thin, while blockages coming from major blood vessel can be thick.

It should be obvious that these huge fibrous blockages are incompatible with life. If blood can't flow because the vessels are completely blocked, life stops.


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Full testimony

One on One with Michelle | Laura Jeffrey Interview | Toronto Day 2 | NCI

National Citizens Inquiry Canada website

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