Embalmer Laura Jeffery: Why did coroners and pathologist keep quiet about the jab killing people?

1 year ago

Licensed mortician Laura Jeffery has 27 years of experience in the funeral industry and as an embalmer.

In an earlier part of her testimony, she has already discussed that there was a disturbing pattern of sudden, unexpected deaths in apparently healthy, reasonably young people.

This warranted additional autopsies to understand what was going on. However, instead of significantly more autopsies, less were performed. It's almost like the authorities didn't want to know what was happening: they were willfully blind.

A second important point is that society depends on those in the know to speak out if something extraordinary and worrying is happening.

If Jeffery as a funeral director noticed certain obvious patterns, coroners and pathologists must have noticed them too. However, hardly any coroner or pathologist spoke out publicly.

For example, the pathology department had cut part of a calamari clot outside the body, but had left the part inside remaining. So they must have noticed the blockage which was never seen before 2021.

They should have immediately sounded all alarm bells, but kept quiet almost without exception. In short they saw no evil, heard no evil, and spoke no evil.

They were like drones: they did the bare minimum of their jobs, apparently without observing, thinking and communicating.

These people committed a sin omission. They should have spoken out for the benefit of society, but they self-censored.


Embalmer Laura Jeffery on the 'dirty blood' in the dead bodies of the vaxxed

Funeral director Laura Jeffery summarizes the alarming anomalies coinciding with the vaxx roll-out

Mortician Laura Jeffery on the impact of COVID versus measures of mass destruction on mortality

Post-vaxx unexpected deaths tended to look unkempt. Were they fatigued? - Embalmer Laura Jeffery

Senior embalmer Laura Jeffery on the calamari clots in the bodies of the dead since April of 2021

Where did the dead babies suddenly go after vaxx roll-out? - Ontario mortician Laura Jeffery

Rise in sudden, unexpected deaths of people with band-aid still on shoulder 🤔


Full testimony

One on One with Michelle | Laura Jeffrey Interview | Toronto Day 2 | NCI

National Citizens Inquiry Canada website

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