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America, You Will Wish You Watched This Before It's Too late

1 year ago

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  • 0/2000
  • It is my calling from Jesus Christ to expose the truth, the real truth by God Almighty. Everyone needs to repent and confess their sins, and they knowledge them in return to our creator God Almighty, let us give God Almighty through Jesus Christ, praise Thanksgiving, honor and glory, and pray for the gifts of the most. HOLY SPIRIT. AMEN ❤️🙌🙌🙌🙌

  • Biden is behind the wheel

    1 like
  • There is no debt. U.S. Inc debt nas been paid. Further more the Fed has been printing money illegally and a bank in Hawaii was caught fraudulently getting digital money to finance a mortgage and said bank tried to pass off the fraud by telling the borrower it's their money but the borrower did the research and found the bank owes the Fed Res that money. The Fed Res is still doing Babylonian Money Magic which is creating money out of thin air with no asset backing; they're going to jail. I believe Janet Yellin went to jail for doing that. Janet Yelliin gave Zelensky of the Ukraine Hundreds of Billions if TaxPayers Dollars out of thin air. She got caught.

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  • Yeah well in a New York second Biden will be thrown under the bus. This will be done as an optic to appease masses of voters but it won't work. The voters want them all held to account

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  • Yeah well the criminals are having a hard time finding money for the taking. It will get desperate then insane. Military is the only way.

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  • The Corrupt Fed bailed out the corrupt banks reason is Biden and Yellin giving Billions to Ukraine. Now Yellin got arrested for giving Zelensky undisclosed hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars on the quiet but my jaw drops that Biden didn't get arrested.

  • Tell us something we don't know.