Trevor Loudon – America under Siege

9 months ago

If you have ever gotten a security clearance, then you know it is a time consuming and exhaustive background check the government uses to assess your trustworthiness and ability to work with America’s most important secrets. According to Trevor Loudon, many of the politicians who now sit on high-level government committees and make important decisions don’t get a background check. Many are openly socialists, Marxists and overtly anti-American. Our adversaries know this and have taken advantage of it. In addition, if you are beginning to think the world has gone mad and wonder why our country is so messed up now, you are not alone. There is a logical connection between that growing lists of insane things we read about every day and those running our government.

If these concepts concern you, and they should, then this video is for you.

On September 19, 2023 Trevor Loudon spoke at the Costa Mesa Republican Assembly. In one short hour you will have a basic understanding of what is now going on in America. He presents his theories in a concise and clear manner on how the Democratic Party is the new communist party and our country is run by Marxists and Leftists intentionally putting our country’s survival at risk.

Trevor Loudon is an author, filmmaker and public speaker from Christchurch, New Zealand. For more than 30 years, he has researched radical left, Marxist and terrorist movements and their covert influence on mainstream politics. He has addressed more than 400 conservative, Tea Party, religious and Republican groups in more than 37 states.

For more information about Mr. Loudon visit:

For more information about the California Republican Assembly, future events and how to join a local chapter:

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