Why is Change So Hard? - A Personal Journey with an Estranged Adult Child

9 months ago

Why is Change So Hard? - A Personal Journey with an Estranged Adult Child//👩‍👧‍👦 Calling All Moms: If you're a mom dealing with the heartache of estrangement while wrestling with the difficulties of change in your own life, this video is a must-watch. Join me on an intimate journey as I share my personal struggles, insights, and a path forward that will resonate deeply with every mother facing similar challenges.

Key Insights:

Opening up about the emotional journey of being a parent with an estranged adult child: I'll bare my heart and soul, sharing the raw emotions and vulnerabilities that come with estrangement.

Sharing my own struggles with change and the impact of estrangement on my life: I'll explore how estrangement had affected every aspect of my life, from my relationships to my own sense of self.

Exploring common barriers to change, such as fear, comfort zones, and self-doubt: I'll break down the barriers that hold us back from embracing change, offering relatable examples.

Providing practical tips and strategies for embracing change, even in the face of adversity: I'll share actionable advice on setting realistic goals, building resilience, and seeking support during challenging times.

Highlighting the power of self-compassion and resilience on the path to personal growth: Discover how self-compassion and resilience can be your greatest allies on the journey to healing and growth.

Offering words of encouragement and understanding for anyone dealing with change and estrangement: In the end, I'll leave you with a message of hope, reminding you that you're not alone and that change, though difficult, is also a chance for personal transformation.
Join me in this deeply personal exploration, where we'll uncover the reasons why change can feel so daunting and find strength in our shared experiences. If you or someone you know is navigating the challenges of estrangement and change, please share this video to offer support and solidarity. Together, we can find the courage to embrace change and discover hope on the horizon.

0:00 - Introduction
1:23 - how to say goodbye to an estranged child
2:34 - goodbye letter to estranged son
328 - my daughter has cut me out of her life
6:38 - how long does parent-child estrangement usually last

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