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Episode 946: How Can We Thrive in 'Trash World' w/ Andrew Isker

1 year ago

67 Minutes


Andrew Isker is a pastor, co-author of Christian Nationalism with Andrew Torba, and the author of the new book, The Boniface Option.

Andrew joins Pete to go over the message of his new book, The Boniface Option. They start talking about Andrew's arguments for Christian nationalism.

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Show notes and links - https://freemanbeyondthewall.libsyn.com/episode-946


  • 0/2000
  • I respect Mr Isker’s love for Christ and our country. Unfortunately, the way to unify Christians is only through the one true faith, the Roman Catholic Church. It’s Protestantism and all it’s divisions that so severely damaged Christendom and ushered in secularism. True, she’s very weak and full of scandal but she is our Mother, the Bride of Christ and will last until Christ’s return and where all Christians belong. God bless and Mary keep you all.