Born To Thrive

9 months ago

We were miraculously formed and shaped in our mother’s womb. We all have that as a common denominator. God designed us in His Image and then shaped us to thrive in this world in Christ Jesus. We were born to thrive. God made a way for us to stay in Relationship with Him through His Son Jesus, and we stay in heart to heart relationship with Him, as He by the guidance of His Holy Spirit, navigates us to be people who don’t just get through every single day just to get through it, but we thrive as we grow through every day in Christ Jesus, through the power of His Word and the direction of God’s Holy Spirit.

We listen up to God first! We were born to thrive, purposefully placed as who we are, what we are, and where we are. Success is faithfulness to what God has called us to, and it is in this heart to heart relationship with God, walking with God, in the strength of His Grace, that we thrive. We give God total access to our lives so we can thrive in Him.

Walking in the flesh, staying in the tradition of our comfort zone, we will not have the strength we need to succeed. God’s grace is our strength, it is not to be used for us to keep failing, and then applying this grace over our shame. God’s Grace changes things up. It is powerful and transformational, it was meant for us to apply the Grace, the strength of God, from every moment to every choice, to make the right choice that helps us thrive.

Grace from God is for strength to do the right thing, not something to plaster over our sins because we have walked by our flesh, kindled a man made fire and walked by this man made fire that flamed out. No. This is not thriving, it is failure, because it changes nothing and we stay in a rut of sin. God’s grace changes things up in our heart so we can thrive and live in the miraculous of great God Adventure. Our “YES" stays on the table with God when we are walking in the strength of God’s grace. We say YES to God before any of our choices even manifest, we know we will lean into God’s Sovereign sway, making the right choice that pleases Him and causes us to thrive in this life.

We were born to thrive, and we have been given everything we need to do so. Jesus is our enough, and His Grace strengthens us so we can thrive, we can grow through anything. Many are the trials of good people, but God delivers them out of them all. Why? Connected heart to heart with Him, there is the Grace we need, the strength we need to thrive. So, it is in our best interest that we cling to God, dig our life roots deeply in Him and thrive. God bless ya.

Grace from God is for strength to do the right thing, not something to plaster over our sins because we have walked by our flesh, kindled a man made fire and walked by this man made fire that flamed out. No. This is not thriving, it is failure because it changes nothing and we stay in a rut of sin. God’s grace changes things up in our heart so we can thrive. Our Yes stays on the table with God when we are walking in the strength of God’s grace. We say YES to God before any of our choices even manifest, we know we will lean into God’s Sovereign sway, making the right choice that pleases Him.

We were born to thrive and we have been given everything we need to do so. Jesus is our enough and His Grace strengthens us so we can thrive, we can grow through anything. Many are the trials of good people, but God delivers them out of them all. Why? Connected heart to heart with Him, there is the Grace we need, the strength we need to thrive. So, it is in our best interest that we cling to God, dig our life roots deeply in Him and thrive. God bless ya.

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