Created To Thrive

4 years ago

There isn’t one of us on the face of this earth that wasn’t created in the image of God. We all were created in God’s Image. We were created to be free. God gave us a free will to make our choices. We were created to love and be loved, because God is love. We were created to thrive, to have everything we need. We are equipped by God to grow through this life. We can thrive in this life with a soul that is well. God did not spare anything when He created us and equipped us, giving us everything we need to succeed. The background noise of our life wants to steal our focus, but if we remain undistracted and stay focused on God, wholly-holy aligned with Him, living in fellowship with Him and in followship of Him, we will thrive, we will sail through the windy times and rough seas of our lives being hugely successful in this life, steady, faithful and true to God and others. #DigDeeper

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