Aila: The United States Should Ultimately Pause the U.S.-China S&T Cooperation Agreement

9 months ago

08/24/2023 Aila on Steve Gruber Show: The U.S.-China S&T Cooperation Agreement was the first pact established between the two nations after the so-called normalization of relations, yet Sino-American relations have never truly normalized. The CCP released the COVID virus, leading to the deaths of millions of Americans, and infiltrated American naval departments with agents and spies, posing threats to U.S. national defense and security. The CCP has consistently engaged in technology theft. We should terminate this agreement immediately.
08/24/2023 小飞象做客Steve Gruber Show:《中美科技合作协定》是中美两国建立所谓的正常关系后的第一个协议,但中美关系从来没有正常化过。中共释放了新冠病毒并导致数百万美国人死亡,派遣了特工和间谍进入美国海军部门,威胁美国国防和国家安全。中共只会从美国偷取技术。我们应该立刻终止该协议。

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