How Can I Know The Will Of God? [How-To-Be-Sure-Of-God's-Will]

10 months ago

Friends, I want to invite you to download our free guide, “5 Ways To Fight Worry, Anxiousness, And Anxiety With God’s Word”, I’m sure it will bless your soul.

Wanting to know the will of God is the worthiest of endeavors for anyone walking on two feet any day of the week. Unfortunately, knowing the will of God is not readily understood by just any and everyone which leaves most of us having to ask, how can I know the Will of God?

Specifically speaking, one may know the will of God by emptying one’s self out, fully submitting to God’s Word, and being led by His Spirit. The knowledge of God’s will is reserved for those who have come to their own end and have made the commitment to fear and obey Him without exception.

God wants us to know His will and to live a happy life of obedience to Him but we must do our part and diligently seek Him until we find Him. It’s from this perspective that I want to study this title and you are invited to discover with me what the spirit of God has to say to us today,
In order to learn what God wants of you or to know His will for your life the very first thing that must be done is to draw close to Him. There are many ways to go about this which is what we are going to talk about for a bit. One of the best ways to draw closer to God is by fasting. Fasting does a few things that help us draw closer to God. Fasting is a sacrifice to God. It shows God that we want Him so much that we are willing to even seek Him straight through our meal times. We are telling Him I need you so much that I’m not even going to stop seeking you to eat.

Usually, when a person commits to a fast they don’t just fast from food but from everything but God. When I fast I turn off or stay off all of my devices and I use that time exclusively for prayer and Bible study. I call this time a time of consecration where God has my full attention. It’s during this time that God will draw close to us and begin to reveal different things to us. God loves when we put Him first especially when we put Him before our own desires. Part of learning God is learning to trust Him with our lives without us worrying about tomorrow.

This too attracts God to us in a powerful way. When we demonstrate faith in what God has said He responds to us and draws us closer to Himself. Anyone who wants to know God and His will would benefit greatly from this approach. Consecrate yourself through fasting and allow God’s Spirit to begin speaking to you, you’ll be amazed at what He says.

Anyone who has read the Bible would have probably noticed that prayer and fasting are pretty much a married couple. Prayer and fasting compliments each other so well and when combined together they produce incredible results. Let me take a moment to make a point, the things I’m writing here are for those who are seriously seeking God for an answer. Many people think that their modern-day regular routine of just attending church once a week will give them the answers that they are looking for. Let me be the first to tell you, that won’t work.

Serving God and learning His Will is a full-time effort. It’s important that when we engage in a time of consecration with God that we spend lots of time in prayer asking God for the leading of His Spirit. When I sit down to write I always ask God to help me to shut up and be used as an instrument of righteousness. If you talk to God He will talk back, God desires us to come to Him and have a relationship with Him. He desires to reveal Himself to us. Consider Proverbs 3:32 where the Bible teaches us that the secret of the Lord is with the righteous.

Time spent in prayer to the Lord is the best time that anyone could spend. There’s not another activity that a person can engage in that would benefit them as much as a prayer to the Lord. James 5:16 says, “Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much”. Anyone desiring to know the will of God has to have a regular prayer schedule in their arsenal.

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