Biden Says New Shots May Be On The Way and McCullough says the new vaccines Already Missed The Mark

10 months ago

Biden Says New Shots May Be On The Way and McCullough says the new vaccines already missed the mark

Video of Biden:
NEW – Biden Says New COVID Shots 'That Work' May Be on the Way for All Americans

"I signed off this morning on a proposal we have to present to the Congress – a request for additional funding for new vaccine that is necessary that works...Tentatively it is recommended, it would likely be recommended, everybody get it. No matter whether they got before or not."

Link to original video on Twitter:

Video of Dr. McCullough:
Do NOT Comply: How to Keep Yourself Safe from the Next COVID Scare

“Lockdowns, social distancing, masks - they’ve all failed,” attested Dr. McCullough. And “the new vaccines coming in have already missed the target.”

Here’s what actually works:
• Nasal sprays and gargles
• Nutraceuticals and supplements
• Zinc
• Vitamin D
• Vitamin C
• Curcumin
• Famotidine

Link to original video on Rumble:

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