Juicy Crispy Egg Recipe for BLW baby & toddler | Crispy Boiled Egg with Sweet & Sour sauce

10 months ago

Today I will show you how to make Savoury Crispy Boiled Egg with Sweet & Sour Sauce for baby & toddler. The sweet and sour flavor will make your little one asking for more!!. Give this BLW recipe a try!!

- Tamarind
- Dried dates
- Shallots
- Egg

How to
1. Prepared Sweet & Sour Sauce
- Pour warm water into the tamarind and mix until you get a paste consistency
- Cut the dates into small pieces (take out the seeds)
- In a pre-heated pan, add dates, water, and one table spoon of tamarind paste
- Cook on low heat for 30 mins on until dissolve (don’t forget to add water along the way)…set aside
2. Making Crispy Egg
- Boil the egg for 10 mins and put it in ice cold water
- Slice the shallots and fried…set aside
- Peel the egg then fried
- Slice the fried egg into quarters (or any size your kid prefers)
3. Plating time
- Put Crispy boiled egg, fried shallot, Sweet & Sour sauce together

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