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Microscopic creatures swim with you in the seas and oceans

1 year ago

Sea and oceans water under the microscope
A Danish man took a small sample of seawater, and when he put it under his microscope, he found it was teeming with life.
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مخلوقات مجهرية تسبح معك فى البحار والمحيط
microscopic creatures swim with you in the ocean. So when you are swimming, if you swallow a little bit of water by accident, you may swallow some of these creatures.
But don’t get scared! Microscopic life is always present in all aquatic ecosystems. This microscopic life is essential to maintain the overall health of aquatic ecosystems.
If you were to swallow a little bit of ocean water by accident, it wouldn't make you sick. The hydrochloric acid that your stomach produces will kill the microorganisms that you ingest.
The problem is when the aquatic ecosystems get polluted. This will alter the balance in the ecosystem and microorganisms such as bacteria will thrive. When ocean water contains excessive amounts of bacteria, this will lead to gastrointestinal infections, skin issues, or other worse problems.

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