Morning 10 Minute Metabolism Boosting Workout

4 years ago

Morning 10 Minute Metabolism Boosting Workout
Today’s workout is inspired by a 2015 study that showed people who exercise first thing in the morning before breakfast burned more fat over the next 24 hours, than when working out at any other time of day. So we are gong to keep this workout short to help people get into the habit of training regularly and first thing in the morning. While I go over the exercises in this workout we will also talk about some of the other advantages to doing a morning workout.

That study I just mention had the participants do low intensity cardio for an hour before breakfast. Now I’m not claiming this will give you the exactly the same results but it will give you a jump start on your morning and even though this will be a short workout just 10 minutes long, we’ll intensify the metabolism boost by making it high intensity.

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Morning 10 Minute Metabolism Boosting Workout
Because we just got up, we will be stiff from sleeping through the night. So we’ll do some mobility movements to warm up. Starting from the top and working are way down. With the first movement we will tilt or bow our head forward bring our chin to our chest then roll our head back to get our neck warmed up finishing the process with side to side head tilts ten reps on all of our mobility movements each way. From here we will go straight to small arm circles and then to shoulder circles. I really have gotten into these for a warm up as they get the muscles around the scapula moving an area that is often tight from sitting all day.

Cat, cow is next, it is a great way to warm up your spine. This is where you curl your spine upwards as you tuck in your tail bone dropping your head until you are looking at your navel. That is the cat portion of the movement, now from here we tilt our pelvis up so our tailbone sticks up and our belly drops down while we tilt our head up and look towards the ceiling.

Morning workouts energize us and improve our mood and focus. Hard to believe, but it does this even better than a cup of coffee

The last warm up is for our lower back, you lie on the floor with your arms out to your sides and your knees bent, your feet will be up off the floor, you slowly lower your knees to one side of your body then raise them back up and lower them down to the other side just as with the other warm ups you do this 10 times on each side.

Now we are into the workout. Time to ramp up the pace! There is no rests between exercises as we are going for the biggest metabolic burn in the shortest amount of time. The first 3 movements are 20 reps each. Starting with high knees then to jumping jacks finishing off with bodyweight squats.

A great thing about a quick morning workout is that there is usually less distractions and no time for a scheduling conflict to interfere with your training.

From the squats we head straight to pike push ups for 10 reps then mountain climbers for 20 reps. This puts us in the perfect position to knock off 10 Spider-Man push ups. Remember no rest, so we are right into 20 donkey kicks.

There was a study published in 2018 that had a group of people do a 15 week exercise program and what they found was that they started to make better food choices the longer they trained without the researchers even asking them to do so.

So we are back on our feet after the donkey kicks to do ice skaters continuing with the 20 rep theme and right after this reverse lunges again 20 reps each side.

By now you should be feeling it so down to the floor for leg raises to fire up those abductors and give us a bit of a cool down. Give this one a try in the morning to fire up that metabolism and get us in the habit so we can keep working out while having fun.

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