Sharon Graham subverting union democracy?

10 months ago

Sharon Graham's failure to seize control of Unite's EC in recent elections triggers her to try to replace the executive?
Right, so Unite General Secretary Sharon Graham didn’t exactly get her own way in the recent Unite union executive elections as those pesky members dared vote for actual lefties who will put her on notice to make sure the notice she has put on Keir Starmer repeatedly might actually develop into something beyond rhetoric as the union continues to give Starmer a million quid of members dues a year, though quite honestly if his recent watering down of workers rights, something Unite did stand against, doesn’t prompt a withdrawal of funds from union to party, the literealy reason both the trade union and Labour movement exist to standup for, then nothing will, this really is Graham’s last chance to show some credibility in her leadership. Refusing to sign off on these plans at the National Policy Forum is one thing, putting union money where your mouth is is quite another and if she won’t do it here, then she never will and any talk of putting him on notice going forward should be met with significant jeering and booing given it will be an utterly meaningless statement to make from this point onwards. However unfair and undemocratic, however unyielding Starmer has been on this policy thusfar, it’s not like Graham hasn’t been acting in a none to dissimilar fashion herself behind the unions closed doors and the shenanigans that have been allegedly going on for her to get her own way there, in light of losing those internal elections to wrestle power from the executive. So what to do if your executive won’t play ball with you? Set up another one! Literally, that’s the allegation right now and it’s not without evidence either and laughably, it’s being called a new left for Unite. Yeah right, a new left that is Graham’s version of left and not the actual left. I suppose that would be a new left, but by being less left, the not so left left, the middling left, the left that left the left left, I can have fun with this all day but let’s get to the point instead. Sharon Graham failed to get a majority of her faction on the Unite executive and that was despite union money being blown on advertising, at least one candidate who was ineligible to stand getting selected and ironically elected in one instance of success for Graham and even more ironically, it is that now elected executive member who has revealed what has been going on. Suzanne Muna, ineligible to stand under Unites rules because Unite were not a recognised union in her workplace and to stand for the executive, members must be a workplace rep or branch role-holder, nonetheless was allowed to stand and got elected, if you’re a Graham supporter this is allowed it would seem.


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