As Sharon Graham welcomes Starmer, Labour blocks Unite members.

11 months ago

Sharon Graham made sure Unite delegates sat in silence for Starmer, yet he blocks other members from standing for Labour.
Right so the Unite Union held it’s Annual Policy Conference on Thursday and as I discussed in another recent video, Unite General Secretary Sharon Graham had invited Labour leader Keir Starmer to speak at said event, causing outrage amongst Unite members disgusted at Starmer’s incessant promise breaking and failure to stand up for the ordinary working class, for members from across the social spectrum as Unite count amongst it’s membership. A protest was of course organised to take place in the two hours preceding his arrival despite Sharon Graham urging members to treat Starmer with respect. Nope, I wouldn’t have followed that instruction either, we as ordinary union members fund the Labour Party, they need to earn our respect and support, not the other way around. Anyway, Starmer turned up to the Brighton Centre – late – to little applause and launched into his usual pro business drone to a room full of the workers, apparently sending some to sleep and eliciting at least one woman to leave, standing up to leave early and shouting at him ‘it’s not your party and you are Tory, lying scum!’ So the protests against him showing up were not confined to just outside the Brighton Centre then and so much for following the Unite executive instruction to sit down and shut up whilst the Brylcreemed one bored delegates to tears, literally dozing off in some cases! Who can blame them, all the charisma of a plasterboard offcut. The only highlights if you can call them that were a promise to challenge outsourcing, which he’ll no doubt get around by claiming outsourcing and privatisation are somehow different and also to repeal some anti-trade union laws, but we know he’s only pledged to repeal the most recent ones which do not go far enough, the 2016 laws which introduced ballot thresholds, making it so much harder for unions to vote for strike action, along with the now ruled illegal agency worker laws, which permitted businesses to subvert striking workers by taking on agency staff, the high court having binned this Tory notion just yesterday and also the Minimum Service level bill should it become law, which seems likely, which will force workers to ensure what is determined a safe level of service, despite the NHS working at unsafe levels being one of the reasons they for example have been striking. Either way, you have to assume Starmer’s word is worth something and if you follow my channel and watch my content regularly, you’ll know it isn’t. Anyway, questions got put to him whilst he was there as well on a range of subjects, and in true red Tory style, he didn’t answer any of them. He was challenged over renationalisation of energy as the Unite Investigates team had worked out that it would indeed lower bills, but Starmer rejected it as a solution claiming the opposite.


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