DADDY LONG LEGS & SAM-I-AM (2023_008_13)

10 months ago

Yesterday afternoon, I was taking some photos of some groovy looking clouds. I was using the old DSLR, that my buddy Jay had replaced & sent me, when he was posted in Afghanistan, a bunch of years ago.

The camera was sitting close at hand, when I found this 3-Legged Daddy Long Legs, nearly dead, in my lap. I think it was probably on my flannel hoodie, when I used it to shoo away a yellow-jacket from my face, a few moments before.

I put the spider on the ground, and was going to take a macro pic of it, since it only had 3 legs. It seemed like it was essentially dead, but it was still standing.

When it moved, I changed the setting on the camera, and started recording a video, instead.

My cat Sam-I-Am, showed up. He didn't notice the spider; he just wanted to hang out with me, and be cute. (Because he is just simply the CUTEST BOY that ever was. Isn't he???!!!)

How cool is this accidental video?! Holy Moley! I feel terrible though, that I probably ripped the spiders legs out, to begin with. And I probably never would have bothered filming a full-legged Daddy Long Legs.

BTW - I eventually lost track of it, but it was still around my chair area, milling around, until after Sam left, and I started UL this video to Utoob ~1:30 yesterday. Perhaps that Daddy Long Legs, got to where it was trying to go. We will never know.... (I just know, it didn't end up on my shoe!)


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