Shell shocked shareholder Theresa Villiers of the environment!

10 months ago

Former Environment Secretary Theresa Villiers forgot about £70,000 of shares she had in Shell whilst in post!
Right so, Tory has-been minister now on the backbenches Theresa Villiers has been a naughty little monkey, having not mentioned more than £70,000 in interests in polluting oil giant Shell whilst she was the Environment Secretary. We don’t actually know how much in the way of interests she had there, because you only have to declare them in the register of financial interests if they amount to more than £70,000 so it’s actually worse than the headlines imply. Oh she didn’t break the rules we’re told though. How do you work that out then? She didn’t declare it. Oh it’s all OK, it’s managed for her you see, she doesn’t take direct decisions in her portfolio. It’s an oversight, but it’s just a little thing, she apologised, there there, all done nothing to see here. Oh alright OK, does she take the dividends though? Yes! Of course she does! She wouldn’t keep the shares if she didn’t have a financial interest, so she has a personal benefit in ensuring Shell did OK then! She must have been laughing her head off on the quiet while we struggled to pay our energy bills, laughing all the way to the bank. My God do this lot just make the rules up as they go along? The ethics advisor told her it was fine apparently, lets pass the buck onto him too then. An unknown tory source, one of those again apparently trotted out the line, nothing she did at DEFRA influenced her shareholdings. Well she was only there for 6 months, but not the point! Really does dot the I’s and cross the t’s as far as Tory commitments to fighting climate change or the absolute lack thereof are concerned though doesn’t it? Green Party co-leader Adrian Ramsay put it best I think. He’s issued a statement saying: ‘Of course it is unacceptable that the former Secretary of State didn’t register the shares when her holding increased in value. However what was the person in government with responsibility to deliver it’s key environment policies – including moving us away from fossil fuels – doing with shares in Shell at all? We need representatives in parliament focussed on freeing us from our dependence on oil and gas which is destroying our planet and instead investing in the energy sources of the future – wind, sun and water.’ Quite right too. But all of these denials and claims she wasn’t influenced by her shareholdings. I kinda wonder what sort of person would want shares in the fossil fuel industry anyway and what they’re thinking might actually be on environmental issues generally as an MP because being put in charge of the environment brief by Boris Johnson doesn’t convince me she’s someone who cares about the environment.


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