Hypocrite Tories ban Greenpeace for climbing on Sunak’s roof.

10 months ago

Greenpeace gets banned by talking turnip Therese Coffey, while other Tories complain about their own safety.
Right, so there’s nothing like fighting climate change by banning Greenpeace is there, but that is exactly what turnip enthusiast Therese Coffey has ordered Defra to do in light of them climbing Rishi Sunak’s £2m country pile and draping it in black cloth.
OK, so you can argue this is certainly a trespass issue, but when you’re trying to gain attention, trying to protest and everywhere you turn protest is being made illegal, well, people are still going to protest, they just won’t care so much about the legalities of how they choose to do it. If anything government attempts to curb protest are going to drive more extreme examples of it, but that’s an argument for another video.
Sunak has of course paved the way for more gas and oil licences and Labour won’t block them, meaning these licences up for sale, are now guaranteed to be sold thanks to Starmer having all the political acumen of pi**ed newt. So the protesters have taken matters into their own hands and Greenpeace are this time the ones in the frame, as four members of the group, replete with climbing gear and bolts of black cloth, scaled Sunak’s pad in Yorkshire, I suppose if anyone slipped there was a massive heated swimming pool to fall into if they were lucky, but no one did and they reached the top and draped said black cloth over the front, representing all that oil and the subsequent climate damage acquiring and using said fossil fuels will bring. Well, the police were called, they attended, of course they did, it’s Sunak, they better had not that he was even home, he’s in the US, his real home, did he ever bin that Green Card of his in the end? But anyway, nobody home, protesters on the roof, police come out, Greenpeace said, we’ll be down in a minute, the intention was to only stay on the roof for an hour anyway, make their point and leave. Now you have to realise that protest is pretty much our only recourse at this point when both main parties are committed to sticking with oil and gas. Sunak and the Tories are pledging to mak out the North Sea in total defiance of the need to step away from fossil fuels and Labour supporting that though saying they’ll stop issuing licences if they get in, though we have to take Starmer’s word for that and frankly I wasn’t born yesterday. The only political party calling this climate criminality out for what it is is the Green Party, which is why they get roundly ignored by the media, only backing the political interests of the establishment parties as they do. So more attention needs to be paid to the Greens if this issue is important to you as it should be.


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Hi, I'm Damien Willey. I'm a former welder, but now I'm a writer, blogger, vlogger and presenter and interviewer with Socialist Telly (Please do go and visit what we all get up to on https://www.youtube.com/c/SocialistTelly)
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Damo Rants Kernow Damo sunak,rishi sunak,politics,sunak roof,sunak climate change,sunak oil and gas,sunak drilling licences,sunak greenpeace,rishi sunak greenpeace,rishi sunak greenpeace protest,greenpeace,climate change,greenpeace rishi sunak,greenpeace protest,rishi sunak home protest,greenpeace protests,greenpeace uk,rishi sunak oil and gas drilling,greenpeace activists against rishi sunak,kernow damo,damo,kernowdamo,damo rants,therese coffey,therese coffey greenpeace

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