Labour abstainers are hypocrites for attacking the Greens. Here’s why.

7 months ago

It's no good abstaining if Labour don't want their constituents to get angry with them over it and certainly don't blame the Greens.
Right, so with Labour MP’s complaining of intimidation because the Green Party chose to make a graphic naming every MP who either voted against or abstained on a ceasefire in Gaza, accusing them of endangering their lives by putting their names together and posting them on social media, it might come as a surprise to them that how they vote is a matter of public record, there’s even a phone app called Commons Votes, putting every House of Commons vote at your fingertips, so you can check daily basically how your MP is voting and what you’re voting on, perhaps it’s a revelation to some MPs that people can easily see how your voting on various issues, or are you just of a mind that people don’t care and don’t look and someone daring to highlight such things annoys you. My God, people might look at this and no longer decide to vote for me! Well the truth of the matter is, Labour have pulled this stunt themselves, so many times that it is hypocrisy writ large that they whinge when it is done to them, so let’s look at a few instances of Labour doing this themselves, just to show how pathetic their attacks on the Green Party are.
Right, so the Green Party put out this infographic the other day, listing all the MPs who failed to support a ceasefire in Gaza and as you can see there are so many names on there it is stupid, a metric ton of wastemen so to speak, acting not in the name of peace, but acting in the interests of Israel, who’s reputation in this conflict is getting more and more battered by their excuses and as investigations into what has actually been happening have been taking place.
But the biggest issue for Labour MPs, aside from their self pity, for how their constituents are reacting, which I’ll cover in another vid, their anger has been turned on the Green Party as they claim they’re basically being doxxed by them, which isn’t true since how every MP votes, is a matter of public record and anyone can look it up. All the Green Party have done is save people some time, is show people that actually this information is easily collated, otherwise how would they know to put in the graphic? You can bet your bottom dollar if an MP voted for something shameful and it wasn’t freely available information, they’d all lie through their teeth over it. The Green Party was the first UK Party to declare their support for a ceasefire, followed by the SNP and Plaid Cymru, it’s the common sense decision; there can be no talks, no peace until fighting stops and people get around the table. If other MPs, mostly Labour that are complaining, but every other Party too that didn’t back the SNP amendment to the Kings Speech calling for a ceasefire, then they shouldn’t have voted or not voted at all as the case may be in a way that has now resulted in significant backlash, as people hold them to account, not just every 5 years to their shock and horror, but in between those times too.

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