'Sandy Hook - Investigating the "Investigators" - UPDATE' - 2014

10 months ago

Published on Jan 27, 2014

"Sandy Hook - Investigating the "Investigators" - UPDATE

The Sandy Hook shooting official narrative is now dead. We have seen in previous films how the Newtown school "shooting" was interconnected not only to the CIA, but also that Dawn Hochsprung - a supposed 'victim' of the event - is closely related to the family of a key propagandist. This propagandist, AND Hochsprung, are secretly and closely related to Peter Lanza - and therefore to the entire "Lanza" family!

Here we investigate the so-called "investigators" of Sandy Hook - the ones responsible for the official report. The report that contains no evidence. The report that looks more like anti-gun propaganda than a police report. Yes, THAT report. Who ARE these people? And what about the funeral home director? The answers may surprise you.

This UPDATE of the previous title includes more shocking accurate data about David Lamoreux, the ostensible lead 'investigator' of the event. While unable to find any education or employment history that would qualify Lamoreux as an investigator of the "crime of the century", it does seem that he has connections to the locations of many previous fake or false-flag attacks. Coincidence - or has Lamoreux been a key player in these events? This information may help others who are now beginning the REAL investigation into Sandy Hook again. Now that the fake 'official' investigation has concluded so infamously.

The Boston Marathon "bombing" taught us much about how the fake death industry works - particularly in connection with Sandy Hook (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m07q7... -- The Fake Death Industry). Here, we can see it in action, with the people who put it to use.

More Resources;

The Lanza Deception - The "Lanza" Family May Only Have Existed as a CIA Operation -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKfzj...

CONFIRMED - The "Lanza" Family is CIA Connected -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=al4wi...




Navy Yard Investigation Leads to the Truth About Stockton -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HN95Hx...





Sandy Hook, Arapahoe, Adam Lanza, SWAT, second amendment, lockdown, crisis actors, Dawn Hochsprung, staged, school shooting, Homeland Security, victims, DHS, Stockton, Newtown, Patrick Purdy, Newtown Massacre, M4, AK-47, witnesses, eyewitness, evidence, 911, false flag, testimony, drill, Navy Yard Shooting, staged, gun control, AR-15, Michael Arnold, Tracy Murphy, Claire Davis, handgun, shotgun, Barack Obama, white house, navy, Alexis, Mary Knight, attack, bombing, false flag, EMC, John Kerry, government, Christian Williams, police, death records, charity, public relations, PR, government sponsored, ihop, mihop, operation gladio, sandy hook, batman massacre, investigation, controlled explosion, terror, investigation, report, reality check, fear, staged terror attacks, constitution, privacy, bill of rights, oligarchs, media, media coverage, programming, psyop, patcon, history, Barack Obama, David Yepez, stooge, patsy, shadow government, nwo, oligarchy, elitists, FBI, Adrianne Haslet, trauma, emergency, operation mockingbird, CIA, propaganda, Lamoureaux, Ruddy, boston marathon, injuries, fake injuries, killed, false flag, false flag attack, Voket, Chris A Pender, Sydney Corcoran, staged attack, moulage, deception, boston marathon, marathon, boston police, Marilyn Kight, EMT"

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